Lily Bean had a long Bite Everyone All The Time stage in her kittenhood.
There is a reason "No Biting" is part of Erzabet's name. But yes, letting out a yelp and dramatically pulling your hand away will help the puppy learn not to do that. Or to at least do it very gently, which is what Miss Erzabet does now.
Time for job-ma, y'all. I have a meeting in 8 minutes with the contract job to talk about their progress in getting me a full-time position.
Good luck Dana!!
Am definitely trying to teach puppy! It's a slow process, though. After being wild from 7am until 8:30am, puppy has been chill since. Whew.
My sister had a cat that, when she decided she'd been petted enough or didn't want to be held, would bite. And bite hard. She eventually became socialized enough that when she'd hit a limit, she'd make a feint as though she were going to bite, but stop before sinking her teeth in. Made staying with them a lot less likely to involve bleeding.
Also - possibly of interest to Atropa - the Washington Post's Sunday magazine section had an article about Magic: The Gathering tournaments.
Job~ma and most importantly BENEFITS~ma, Dana!
Job~ma Job~ma Job~ma
with a bit of puppy~ma too
Good luck, Dana!!
it was a woman who got a kit to make her own vibrator
Ha! Sisters are doing it for themselves.
They do have approval for a full-time position, so that's the good news. The bad news is that there's a pretty significant gap on salary and PTO, but the project manager I work with is a very chill and understanding guy, so I asked if there was any flexibility on those, and he's going to go back to the CEO and see.
So qualified yay? It would definitely have benefits, which is an unqualified yay.
Continuing~ma for approval, Dana!
Sisters are doing it for themselves.
If that was not the headline...well, it should've been