General good~ma coming to you, Shir.
Cindy, that's wonderful news about your son, glad he's doing so well!
Hugs and ~ma to everyone.
My situation is looking better. I'm trying not to stress about it. It is what it is, and I'm not going to kill myself for a job ever again.
Non-specified~ma, Shir!
I'm not going to kill myself for a job ever again.
Sounds like an excellent plan!
Non-specified~ma, Shir!
Zen, I hope your job situation improves.
ltc went to play outside for about an hour with TCG. It was too hot for her to ride her bike, and now she is running around dancing to music because she hasn't earned any TV today. However, I got to hide in the bedroom and watch some TV for a couple of hours. So, things are looking and feeling less bleak. We're going to have a ridiculously early dinner before TCG had to go to his meeting. Hopefully tonight will go smoother.
Kickstarter idea: mini-Peloton, a stationary bike for kids than can be adjusted as they grow. Pedaling at the specified rate causes their favorite show to play. There's an optional setting that will make the show play too fast or too slow depending on the pedaling rate if the kid is the sort who finds that sort of thing hilarious
Matt, considering the increase in positive tests in the White House, they may not be patting butts ....
Our ~ma is your ~ma, Shir. Best of luck and all love to you.
chrismg, that's a great idea.
I'm here in Colorado with my brother's family, and although his boys are 12 and 9, it works out because we're up in the mountains and they can just take their bike to the park or go to the creek and fish, and whatever. It's really a nostalgic kind of lifestyle, like we had when we were kids. So nice for them, and it keeps the house quiet enough for my brother & me to get some work done during the day.
I don't know how all y'all parents manage, it is so hard. Just remember, everything you're doing, you're doing it during a global pandemic and that makes everything five times harder. So cut yourselves some slack.
Ok y'all. Help me out. What are some good dog names?? Like a friend has a dog Ranger, which I could see a hipster parent naming their child but it seems like a dog name to me, not a person name. Can y'all think of others of that ilk? I tried googling for lists but they were all people names. I may go with that or something fannish, but my preference is to avoid naming a dog John or Mary! (No shade to those who do, just not my first preference)