I'm exhausted just reading about Brendon taking-care-of-business, Laura.
Hec, how is JZ doing? I don't see her much on Twitter (which could just be Twitter's algorithm at work). Has there been any resolution on a school for Matilda?
Hey Cindy!
It's been rough for Jacqueline. She's going over to her Dad's house three days a week (she takes Matilda with her two of those days) as they sort through his papers and stuff and try to maintain the property before it's sold.
I went over with her on Saturday and it's just strange walking through his house deciding if there's any furniture we want to keep and going through his stuff. Her brother, Chris, is the executor and comes down once a month to deal with the business they inherited. There are all these procedural elements they have to deal with to sell the property and the business.
(Like, they had to finish the Fiscal Year, which her father had been working on in March before he died, and that has to be done before it can be appraised. After it's appraised they can then accept bids on the business, and there are multiple interested parties, but one of them is the general manager who's running it now but he won't have the backing to afford it, etc.)
Chris has his own business to run in Portland, and has to be away from his family to deal with it.
Anyway, it's just emotionally exhausting and physically exhausting too.
Yesterday we saw Emmett for the first time in seven months. He's been locked down pretty hard. Also, he was sick in March with all the symptoms of COVID though he didn't get tested - just quarantined with his GF and roommates looking after him.
Matilda still does not have a high school assignment and classes start in Mid-August. She's the only one of her friends who has nothing. I'm just anxious that there won't be the usual fluidity of school slots opening up at the beginning of the term because of online classes to start the year. It's stressful. Also, Matilda got NOTHING out of online classes in the spring. She didn't absorb anything and it was stressful.
On the plus side it was great having Emmett here, especially since the upshot of deciding to NOT take JZ's dad's bureau in the basement was that we bought an armoire off Craigslist (nice vintage piece, only $100), rented a van and then did a massive roundelay of bedroom furniture.
The small chest of drawers in Matilda's closet came into our room. We moved her big chest into storage. Then she got our big chest with with Dormouse drawer pulls AND we were finally able to move the vintage 30s secretary desk (the one we found on the street and that JZ refinished so nicely) into her room. THEN we rented a van and Emmett and I wrestled this giant fucking wardrobe out of an upstairs apartment in the lower Haight down a narrow twisting stairway. Then we wrestled that monster up two flights of stairs and into our bedroom. It just barely barely fit through our narrow and low stairs. Had to do it one step at a time while yelling PIV-OTT! at each other.
But you know what? It was just fun doing stuff with Emmett. He's always fun and Matilda was just glommed on to him like a limpet soaking up all his good energy. He's asleep on the couch right now and I'll be making cinnamon rolls for him and Matilda when they wake up.