I'm so sorry, Zen.
It just occurred to me that I should have been at Best Buy or somewhere at midnight, since my computer keyboard is crapping out. This is especially a problem since it's the A key that keeps not working, and I have an A in my password....
Also I just bought a small turkey breast, which meant figuring out when to cook it, and I think the answer is I should go see Widows now and cook it tomorrow, as I am going to an open house at 5ish today, and if I do it tomorrow, I can just cook and eat it.
For the record, it was 99 cents a pound!
The difference between Haiti and North Dakota is going to be an education all by itself. That's a remote, empty big-sky place where car owners have plug in devices to keep the battery from freezing. Make sure the kid has gloves, hat and scarf, which he probably never needed before.
(Zen) I think big souls sometimes need a big night to pass on.
Everybody else, I want your leftovers today.
I lived in Williston, ND for a while. It was so flat and the wind blows forever.
Make sure the kid has gloves, hat and scarf, which he probably never needed before.
He thinks he is prepared, but it will still come as a shock. Since he starts school in January there won't even be a gradual change. I'm sure DH will talk to his coach and see how they deal with kids that come from warmer areas. I may give him long underwear as a going away gift! I already talked to him about winterizing the car but DH will make sure it is done right before he leaves.
I'm so sorry Zen.
Laura- did you put the egg binder in the cauliflower stuffing. I have cauliflower, spices, celery and onion, but not sure about the egg or broth parts...
Sad news, Zen. I'm sorry.
Happy pie-for-breakfast day!
I've had two slices - cherry, pumpkin - so far.
Laura- did you put the egg binder in the cauliflower stuffing.
Nope. Just roasted cauliflower topped with sauteed celery and garlic (I can't eat onion) in lots of butter and spices. Pecans were added the last 15 minutes of roasting. I roasted it on a cookie sheet spread out. I cheated and used Trader Joe's roasted cauliflower, but it would have been the same with fresh. It was so tasty, but I love the poultry seasoning taste.
Thanks Laura. I am trying it for family Thanksgiving tomorrow.
I asked Marc if he was prepared with cold weather clothing. He was in school in Montana last year! I thought he had been in Tallahassee for some reason last year. He showed me some videos his friends from Montana just sent him where they are playing in the snow. He says he likes looking at it out the window, but he plans to stay right on campus and not try driving around.
He sounds like a sensible guy. Still, presents of long underwear are hardly ever a bad idea.
I have recommended The Good Place and Killing Eve to my mom. I hope that wasn't a mistake.