High School Musical: The Musical: The Series is a television show about a group of students in a world where the movie exists who are putting on High School Musical: The Musical and, bonus, they happen to attend the California high school where the original movie was filmed.
That makes my head hurt. I feel like making the television show might have opened a wormhole.
I really wanted to like Encore, but it didn't hold my attention.
And I decided to go back and watch the original Star Wars trilogy before delving into the new ones, and promptly fell asleep.
I mean, my still favorite Kristen Bell role is
Reefer Madness: The Musical: The Movie
so there is precedent in the goofy musical genre.
Timelies all!
SInce we're still behind on the tv stuff that's currently airing,(all two shows) adding a streaming service isn't really in our plans.
Is Encore the one about revisiting high school musicals (not High School Musical)? I should definitely watch that.
I should do a post-work yoga video because I haven't done one in many days, but it is Too Hot! 86 in the living room, where I would do it.
I have a good friend who worked on Encore.
Jesse just think of it as hot yoga?
That's it Jesse. It's pretty fun, though the premise is better than the show sometimes.
Jesse just think of it as hot yoga?
You make a point, but that is why I would never do hot yoga!
And also why I'm mad at Parade magazine for saying tracking "steps" isn't enough because movement isn't necessarily exercise, and then saying you should "sweat" for X amount of time a week. Dude, it's July! I was sweating just reading that "article."