Quiche and coffee:
In much brighter news, today is Bobby and Tate's 2nd anniversary, and my mother-in-law's birthday. So a celebratory day! Also, we get to celebrate Zenkitty's birthday today.
The kids plan to formally announce their impending parenthood today as part of the anniversary celebration.
Happy Birthday, Zenkitty!
I'm just discouraged, watching the results play out in my state where the Trump idolizing DeSantis continues to make matters worse. There are real experts that know that the heat isn't going to make it all go away. There are real models that have worked. Yet about half of the 'leadership' of this country kowtows to a narcissist who just finds it all inconvenient for him personally
I'm so angry about this. 138,000 people are dead in this country, hospital systems in hotspots are getting overwhelmed, and Trump's sycophants are more worried about downplaying the crisis to appease their idol than doing something about it.
The county E is in is now Red. CA is going back on lockdown so my mother is losing her swimming that she had for a few weeks and my brother missed his window to get a haircut so he buzzcut himself.
Meanwhile, my office started the 3 week rotation schedule with 1/3 of out employees in the building each week. I am on next week. Work is in the County and that is still yellow, but the city where I live is still orange.
I am not loving life.
I feel like I'm hiding from the problem—working from home, getting groceries brought out to my car, contactless takeout delivery, socializing via Zoom and Skype. But it seems like doing my best to not be a vector is the best thing I can do, pandemic-wise. I'm just lucky to be in a position where I can do that.
DH is now thinking he might not be able to join me in NY.
I went to the farmer's market and 6 stores on Saturday - all masked - 4 of the 6 stores limiting customers at the entrance. I feel like that was too much.
I shouldn't need to go to any stores after the market this weekend and thus far this week I have not done any take-out.
But like, we aren't really the problem are we? - the mask wearing mostly stay-home people. It's people not wearing masks and having 30 people over and people not changing behaviors at all. Not to be all pat ourselves on the back, but us getting stressed out again or more stressed out is not going to help at all. And the info is out there - easy to find in any media.
I am a bad person who thinks that the only thing that will start getting through to some people is if they are targeted in some way. Spray paint "plague rats" on their homes - or "I'm willing to let you die". Put "I'm spreading the COVID-19 virus" bumperstickers on their cars. Maybe paintball them in public to mark them.
Hiding from this problem is what we're supposed to do, Calli. Isn't it?
My county is reportedly orange because agricultural workers who live here were exposed while working in Napa. So that's hardly their fault. And it's hard to argue with agriculture being essential (although Napa agriculture, well, who knows? I am still weirded out that my company is considered an essential business as we were reminded yesterday in discussion of the tightening lockdown not affecting our continuing sometimes being in the office schedule). I do flinch every time my one coworker posts pictures of her and her friends on FB hanging out and not wearing masks but it is always the same friends and it is not very many and for all I know they have formed some kind of bubble. And she and I both wear masks when we are F2F, which is hardly ever.
I wear a mask when I'm out - not at home and not when I'm alone in the office. Most of the stores have signs that you need to wear a mask; food stores tend to limit the number of people (I made a trip to Target last week - it was glorious). One small store (too small for carts) has a system - there's a big rack by the front door with handbaskets on it. The number of baskets limits the number of people allowed in - once there aren't any baskets, no one's allowed in until someone leaves.