I need advice? My boss has sent me a FB invite to her virtual Norwex party tonight. "Looking forward to seeing you!" I didn't respond to the initial invite, and I'm feeling pressured by this. It's a whole friends-circle thing. The coworker who got me hired at this company, and his wife, have been game-night friends with me for years - not close friends but friendly acquaintances. His wife is a Norwex rep and I've bought Norwex stuff from her a few times. My boss is friends with them both, and Coworker's Wife got Boss into becoming a Norwex rep. I saw danger when I got the invite to Boss's virtual party and did not respond, hoping that would send the message that I don't want to be involved. I don't have the money to spend on stuff I don't need, and I don't want to mix either casual friendship or profit-making into my relationship with my boss. And my boss is really nice and super supportive, I like her, but I don't think this is appropriate and I'm not comfortable with the idea of buying stuff from my boss. Not to mention, this job - which I like - pays me about the minimum I can live on, I don't feeling like I have to give some of that money back to my boss or risk souring our working relationship.
What do I do? How do I respond to this?
Your boss shouldn't have done this.
WTF is a virtual party? Is it a Zoom meeting? Can you have "internet trouble" a few minutes in?