My dad was a contractor who was notorious for calling any subcontractors who did not show by 6:30 in the morning. Mind you this was back in the days of landlines and usually one phone in the house, so he got to wake up the whole household because someone was a little late. He enjoyed it.
I admire his confidence in none of his subcontractors having a spouse or significant other skilled at body disposal.
Guess who scheduled a grocery pick-up for this afternoon under the mistaken assumption that it would be a slow day?
Our current plan is 1 week in, 1 week WFH, but they haven't figured out a start date. So for now we're just continuing the current plan: WFH if it's practical, come into the office (with masks, some distancing, temp checks) if it's not.
One week on/two weeks off would drive me nuts
yeah I am not thrilled, but we should be getting laptops and a monitor for at home. The place has been almost exclusively single monitors! I've been yelping since day one (to myself).
I would much rather go in every Wednesday and Friday.
What do you mean, Suela?
Poorly phrased on my part: I meant, it means that yeah, we're fucked, and (some) people are beginning to realize that. I just got my syntax all tangled.
Meanwhile the LT governor of TX is yelling about how Fauci isn't the boss of him.
We're so fucked. Check out this thread by a Harvard public health professional: [link]
Also, the rumors continue to fly that the big bosses in DC want us back in the office at some point in the not-too-distant future. I don't see why: my division in particular has been very productive.
Sadly, based on my experience in Texas, the only way people here are going to learn is to have the COVID blow up in their faces. They believe it's just the flu, that they're safe from it, and if they do get it, it'll be over in a couple of days. And nothing is going to change their minds until the hospitals fill up and people they know and care about get infected and can't get treatment. All I can suggest is to protect yourself as much as possible and stay away from Texas.
mr. flea's building was going to reopen later this month but we're having a spike in cases locally, so they are delaying it. He is more productive at home than in the building; I hope he'll be able to work from home on an ongoing basis.
In the last 7 days at my work the following happened: I gave notice, staff member A resigned, staff member B reported covid exposure and is isolating pending testing, staff member C resigned, staff member D called in sick but then happily reported a positive strep test, staff member E reported covid exposure (the bus driver!) and is isolating pending testing. Tests here are taking 3-5 business days. I'm tired. We're mostly working in the building, part time staff in cohorts, and everyone spacing out as much as possible.
Yikes, flea, that's a lot.
Hey, how is Nutty doing, have you heard from her lately?
All I can suggest is to protect yourself as much as possible and stay away from Texas.
Yep! Apparently we've decided that "suicidally stubborn" is how we're gonna play this. Bar owners are currently protesting and suing the governor because he closed them back down.