Yeah. I really worry that the end game on this is simply going to be lots of dead bodies.
Maintenance Guy's mask is hanging under his GODDAMN CHIN.
Matt, that's awful. Poor guy.
I still can't believe that asshat has TWO SCOTUS picks. TWO. I go blind with rage if I think about it too long.
So pretty similar to the beginning and middle-game, huh?
Actually I think what we've seen so far is going seen like the cold opening compared to what's coming.
SCOTUS struck down a law restricting abortions in Louisiana. For the moment, Roe v. Wade is safe.
Thank goodness for that.
I'm seeing traffic almost back to normal around here, grocery isn't back to capacity but about 20% of people are not wearing masks or not wearing them properly. I believe I will go back to ordering grocery delivery. For the foreseeable future I'm staying at home and only going in to the office for three hours once a week to open the store, which involves packing up online orders and handing them out the door to patrons. I can handle that. I am really lucky to have this option.
Actually I think what we've seen so far is going seen like the cold opening compared to what's coming.
I don't like to doomsay or make predictions, but this is going to get much worse. The virus is not going away anytime soon, not in the US anyway, and the bloated orange tick is going to create as much chaos and destruction as he can in the time he has left, because that's what he does.
The virus is not going away anytime soon, not in the US anyway, and the bloated orange tick is going to create as much chaos and destruction as he can in the time he has left, because that's what he does.
I want him to get COVID-19. I really, really do, and I'm not sorry about it. I have never, ever felt like this about a POTUS, not even W., who is a fucking war criminal who I loathed with the fire of 1,000 suns. I didn't actually wish death on W., but I genuinely and with zero remorse wish the same slow painful death on Trump that he's caused for literally tens of thousands of the citizens he purports to lead.
You misspelled hundreds of thousands.
Yep, Trump has completely blown through my concerns about my karma. I hope he gets sick and suffers, and if he dies, so much the better. It'd be great if he could take McConnell, Graham, Cruz, and Collins with him. Oh, and that asshole who argued for sending in the military against protesters.
You misspelled hundreds of thousands.
I think I was trying to block that out. Seriously.
when I see comments about not wanting to deal with difficult family secrets, I see if from the other side, and it hurts.
ND - if my post had contributed to this, then I'm sorry. FWIW the "painful memories" is my dad's take, not mine (and he's with a mental illness that's only being partly treated. Being in line with reality, especially stuff he doesn't agree with, is not his strong suit. If I could have changed it by now, I would. But he just can't deal with some people or facts, unfortunately).
Is there any group/discussion/effort to do something about impeaching some of these picks WHEN sane people have control of the Senate again?
The likelihood of the dems spending political capital on going after individual judges is low, absent the most egregious ones (like the guy who NEVER TRIED A CASE OR TOOK A DEPOSITION). (I am just about as qualified to be a federal judge as that guy, and I am NOT qualified.) Instead, I suspect there will be a push to expand the federal judiciary and dilute the pool of awful.
They may try that with SCOTUS as well, I have heard a number of discussions as to the form that would take. It would be nice to be in a situation where the makeup of the Court doesn't depend entirely on who happens to be in the White House the day someone retires. For one thing, it's horrible for the justices themselves: I'm sure RBG would really like to retire!
Anyway, the American Constitution Society is working on developing a bench of progressive young judges, something like the Federalist Society has done over the last thirty years. Russ Feingold is the president of ACS, and I heard him interviewed a couple of months ago, it was pretty inspiring.