Hec, you forgot the one thing he needs is to be protected from prosecution, which only happens so long as he's president. He's desperate to stay in office, not because he enjoys it, but because the incoming administration may well charge him with (at least) tax fraud. Probably also witness intimidation, self-dealing, obstruction of justice, and who knows what else. Plus he wants to protect his kids, who are even more vulnerable (although he can pardon them, I guess).
YUP. Get ready for Fox talking heads to explain why it's totally reasonable for a President to preemptively pardon himself.
This is a maladaptive trait.
Right?!? Be nice if we could just magically get rid of it. Or dial it way down somehow. I guess drugs help some people with that.
Anyway, you can do the thing, Zen. And I hope the weight of it eases.
In regard to the Tulsa, um, thing, I heard some commentary on the radio this morning that the campaign organizers aren't THAT unhappy with the physical turnout - they were using it to harvest information about people they could go to for donations, etc. Of course, if large numbers of those requests came from K-Pop fans and such, I'd bet the information is either made-up or unusable.
On the bright side, Diego is going home.
Aw, LMM said on Twitter that they only got one "fuck" to use in Hamilton, so "When you knock me down I get the FUCK BACK UP AGAIN!" is going to be bleeped. That's one of my favorite parts.
When else is "fuck" used in Hamilton? I am really off my game, because I can't think of it.
When else is "fuck" used in Hamilton? I am really off my game, because I can't think of it.
I think it might be in the Mariah Reynolds part--when her husband tells him that "you know my wife that you..."
That's the one they're keeping. The other one is "Sit down, John, you fat motherfuuuuuu..."
If they don't say the last consonant does it count??
The Hercules Mulligan one is clearly the best.