Tik Tok teens and K-pop stans, beating Tr*mp at his own game: controlling the narrative. They made the Tr*mp team believe a million people had snapped up tickets to the rally. Brad P*rscale was absolutely giddy on Twitter, posting as the numbers went up. Even knowing only maybe a third of people who grab free tickets will actually show up, Tr*mp team still fully expected a massive crowd. And they can't pretend they didn't, because they had a stage set up outside the venue to entertain the YUGE crowds who couldn't get in (the venue holds 19,000 people). A bunch of teenagers, using a social media app most old conservatives have never even heard of, manipulated Tr*mp team's expectations and set them up to believe a huge crowd was coming. If P*rscale had known only 6611 people (final official count) would be there, he would've booked a small venue and blamed it on the rona or the protesters. Instead he booked a big venue for a tiny crowd and made Tr*mp look pathetic.
Those kids had a plan. All it needed was about 400,000 people to grab one or two or four free tickets with a fake email account. And it worked. The older generations could never have even imagined that that many young people could come together, all over the nation and maybe the world, completely under their radar, and pull off a devastating epic troll of the master of narrative manipulation. Tr*mp looked totally exhausted when he got off the plane in DC last night. I hope I live long enough to see the 14-year-old Machiavelli I encountered on Twitter last night become President.