That's exactly it, askye.
To reassure yourself, start taking your temperature a couple times a day, and if you have a pulse oximeter available, get a baseline on your oxygenation. Those are both likely to be normal, which will be reassuring.
has actually been explicitly exposed a couple times now that she knows about for sure.
(I actually gave another ride for one of the residents to get tested this week, and he came out negative, after having tested oositive the week before -- his doctor thinks it's a false positive based on his having had the virus last month AND lack of symptoms now. But he's not going to get the all-clear until yet another test comes back negative.)
I have to get a plus oximeter. They take our temps at work before we start and mine is usually 96ish but has been creeping up aroun d97 or 98
I found out from my mom that our crazy distant relative now believes the government is giving him burns with radiation in his home, and is protecting his legs with aluminum foil and an umbrella while he sleeps at night. Tinfoil legwarmers instead of hats!
Tinfoil legwarmers instead of hats!
He's no cliche! He's an innovator.
I went into my friend's house today. It was a thrill.
Her company tests her every two weeks - she's a handy friend to have.
She's a scientist and still not happy with an antibody tests. I'm eager for a good one as the roommates and I passed around a nasty bug at the end of February- it would be nice to know if Big Rona has come and gone from our home.
It's hell when you don't even know how scared you should be, you know?
Schrodinger's virus, performatively speaking. You have to act like you do have it and do your best to avoid infecting others. But you also need to act like you don't have it and do your best to not get it, since even if you don't die, a number of people have had awful experiences post-Rona.
and mine is usually 96ish but has been creeping up around 97 or 98
Just putting it out here for all of us who forget about these things (because I did and got slightly freaked out about it for a few days): temp raises a bit during ovulation and generally changes during the cycle. Another fun thing that messes with our minds.
They take our temps at work before we start and mine is usually 96ish but has been creeping up aroun d97 or 98
That's got to be close to the ambient temperature, right? I can't imagine that helps, either.
Schrodinger's virus, performatively speaking. You have to act like you do have it and do your best to avoid infecting others. But you also need to act like you don't have it and do your best to not get it, since even if you don't die, a number of people have had awful experiences post-Rona.
That's exactly right.
In other news, I have rhubarb cake in the oven and the dishwasher running. That may be enough productivity for the day. Oh, except I want to go to Target to return some things. I guess I should do that before it gets too hot, too, since I don't think being in the air-conditioned store will counteract the walk there and back....
That may be enough productivity for the day.
No, that is wrong -- I am GOING TO DO MY FUCKING TAXES.