Since I am essentially solar-powered, I am up at 5 AM here, where the sun is getting ready to rise. Too. much. light. sigh
My sister. One nice thing about working from home is that I can go directly from work to rest (or even a short nap) instead of commuting for an hour or more.
I am most certainly not solar powered. I would have stayed in bed a good while longer.
No workers yesterday and likely none today, so Juneteenth cookout in the yard - (spaced out sanitized - separate tables - no contact serving (a drop off pick up table)) - is going to have the "bonus" of giant piles of dirt and a two foot ditch. Ugh
Other Ugh - two more workers at my parents' retirement community have tested positive. One works in the area that my parents are. They go off work immediately, but still. That is a total of 4 employees, but no residents. So worrisome, but hopefully my parents will re-institute more of a lockdown. My dad went to a Dr. yesterday and both of them had already opted to go get haircuts. they need to stay their butts in their apt.
health~ma to your dad, shrift.
And noCOVID~ma to your parents/other residents, msbelle.
I am solar powered as well, which means super early days when I head north in a few days.
Apparently not quite adequately caffeinated though. My office phone just rang and I was confused as to which of my practices would be open on a Saturday.
Good news: The farmers' market is re-opening, with strict mask guidelines in place!
Not-so-good news: It's on Saturday morning, so every other weekend I have a shift that blocks me from going.
Look, if I tell you "please allow through 6/22" for a thing, it's really going to annoy me if you ask for an update on the thing on 6/19 and I'm not going to tell you anything except to wait another few days.
I had an anxiety attack yesterday, first time in almost 3 months. What the heck, brain. Everything is fine, you know besides the ongoing pandemic.
Today I'm exhausted and trying to keep my spirits up. Katie got a new position that's closer to where she lives and pays a little better; she says it wouldn't keep her in Seattle but with the pandemic she's afraid if she moves here now she wouldn't be able to get a job. So our plans are on hold indefinitely - until there's a vaccine or at least testing available for non-symptomatic people. We don't like it. We hate being stuck in the middle of something that can't move forward. We hate that she can't be here yet.
Yeah, that sucks, Zen.
Anxiety attacks also not fun.
Ugh, Zen, sorry about that.
Y'all, I went to the beach and now feel amazing.
Y'all, I went to the beach and now feel amazing.
You made so much vitamin D!