Theo - take to using roommate's favorite coffee mug as a cat scoop. Food, if you're feeling nice ... litterbox if you're feeling especially aggravated.
msbelle - slogan I've heard, "MaskIt or Casket" which I think sums it up.
And I came across this. It's allergies I'm telling you!
We have some work slowly coming back where we are going to be out on construction sites to install new systems. Glad to have the work, but I have two workers who really need to be in full N95 masks for various reasons and there just is no way to get ones that I can confirm are actually the real thing and not a counterfeit mask. I did fine one 10 pack of real 3M masks for sale, for over $2000. Humanity just sucks.
That kind of price gouging is disgusting. I'm sorry it's so hard to keep your people safe, ND
FTR, I am still not into being awake
It would be nice if I could go a few weeks without finding out from my mom that my dad is in the ER.
Oh, man, shrift, I'm sorry.
Oh no, shrift.
"Spoiled" or "finally being treated properly"?
Basically while you were having this conversation here, I hwas talking to a coworker about how housecats still remember when they were gods.
I am so sorry shrift- that sounds tough.
Miss Petunia has graduated from trying to bite my nose and slap my face while on zoom to just wanting to sit in my lap all the time. It is hot, and she is going to be disappointed if I ever have to go back to work!
I'm sorry, shrift. ~ma to your dad.
ND, that's rough, I hope you can find what you need - at a reasonable price. Also I hope the price-gougers get infested with fleas.
Does he know about the existence of plug-in heated cat beds?
He does not. Someday when he gets old and arthritic, I'll buy him heated cat beds. Today, he'll have to make do with the bed, the other bed, the couch, the comfy chair, the cat bed, the cat tree, the pillows...
I've been so worried about my Percy, and I'm so happy with how well he's doing and how quickly he's recovering from his surgery. He clearly feels better. Little brat. I'm definitely the one who spoiled him... he was so skinny and sad when I got him, and I pampered and fed and petted him so he would know he was safe and loved. Still not bringing him tuna in bed though. Except for that one time.