It's not that I don't have IT help. The online learning people at the community college are knowledgeable and helpful, plus I do know how to use the apps. I've been helping my teaching partner get through this. It's just that the apps aren't very good.
Kaltura capture missynced the video because I had to nerve to have Firefox open in another Window (my bad). Now I know better. Our online learning system (Blackboard) has notifications turned off for reasons at the BoR level, so I never know if a student has posted stuff to our message board unless I actually remember to drill down and look.
Wow, Trump retweeted agreement with himself.
I mean, seriously dude?
Wow that's....special, Gud. Yikes.
Good evening! I took a 3 or 4 mile walk (with a lot of hills) with a friend. I don't think I'd seen her since March--she runs a daycare and has been open the whole time, but we walked with masks and had a good time catching up. And then on my way home I stopped because the elote guy was out! Hot fresh elote with mayo and cheese and spice! YUM.
My sister is raising her multiracial grandchild out in the country. She just sent me his performance (they had opening night, but not others) from Into the Woods, which was great. Except they cast the black kid as The Wolf! Really! In an all white school, because basically the county I grew up in was all white. . All the kids are white except him.
That's a choice. I'm a little ambivalent though because that is also the best part in the first act in my opinion. He may well have requested it.
That's how I felt. It is a great part and he is really good in it.
My high school cast our one black student (there may have been five in the school, actually) as Tevye in Fiddler. Douggie was great and many agreed Black Tevye would be a great name for a metal band.
Except they cast the black kid as The Wolf! Really! In an all white school, because basically the county I grew up in was all white. . All the kids are white except him.
Unfortunately I think I can beat that story with the time I was in an almost all-white production of Once On This Island (with a private childrens' theater company, not my school). The lone biracial actor was cast as Papa Ge (Demon of Death).
She just sent me his performance (they had opening night, but not others) from Into the Woods, which was great. Except they cast the black kid as The Wolf!
Yeah, that's a bit . . . iffy. If he wanted it, great. The wolf and the witch are my favorite roles in that musical. I haven't seen it live. If they could have the same actor as the wolf and one of the princes, that would be even better.
My nephew's middle school did a production of Annie in his 99+% white school and the orphanage matron as a black girl (I suspect because she was ahead of the other girls in physical maturity) and Daddy Warbucks was Hispanic. He also had a great voice. It was fun for a tiny Adirondacks school production. It seemed fairly color blind with the lead role clearly picked for her voice too.