Good luck!
Edited to add: damn, Cash, they are indeed everywhere today. I am now trying not to tell something to someone I know who is lecturing another friend that her rants are not sensitive enough or inclusive about other people's problems. Dude, these are rants, not a thesis.
A friend of mine was the victim of a racist incident, which she posted about and a friend of hers responded with "All lives matter." "Don't let one bad apple cloud your judgement."
Are you fucking kidding me? I would not have been here to talk you off that ledge.
So many B&J's ice cream flavors I haven't tried. A world of delicious things that will kill me slowly. My local grocery just started carrying Steve's ice cream and the Southern Banana Pudding was tempting me but I was strong and didn't buy it. (I wasn't strong, I bought Cherry Garcia instead.)
I had a Mt Dew Baja Blast for the first time and it was so good. It needed vodka or rum and a little umbrella.
It used to be that talk of ice cream filled me with sadness, but there are a significant variety of nondairy frozen treats out there, most of which you couldn't tell aren't derived from cows unless I told you.
DH and I are low carb these days so he has been purchasing Enlightened ice cream bars that are like 1G carb. It is not hard packed ice cream from the ice cream shop, but they are quite creamy and tasty.
Oh, cool, my local grocery carries this. Thanks, I'm going to try it.
Woo negative result, Cashmere!
Laura, that's fair, but silver lining is not having to worry about Bitchy Resting Face.
True! And if the mask comes up high enough, it mostly covers the bags under my eyes. Too bad it has to cover my mouth, that's the only part of my face I always like.
In related oatmeal:
What does one do - if anything - about close friends/family members who you've known your whole life and you know they are not racist, but they keep using language that is offensive (at least they're not saying the N word, thankfully), and despite being told, the information doesn't seem to sink in and they keep doing it? They're just not taking it seriously, I guess. Compared to everyone else around them in Deep Red America they're super progressive, so they feel fine about themselves? it's only me that's saying no you shouldn't say that.
Zen, I have just said - "don't say that" - or "that's racist". In the most extreme case because I was there in person I called it out and then said "I will not stay here if you keep talking like that".
Possibly also "I know you are progressive, but if you talk like that, people who do not know you as well as I do will think you're a racist because that is racist language."
Jesse, I responded to him. I couldn't let that pass. No response.
I want to kick him in the head.
That is enraging, Cashmere. I'm glad you have your friend's back.
Possibly also "I know you are progressive, but if you talk like that, people who do not know you as well as I do will think you're a racist because that is racist language."
That's good, I'm going to use that. They're very concerned about what others think of them (though they say they're not).
Thank Christ, the Supremes managed to rule correctly on the case about employment discrimination and LGBTQ+ people.
Yes! Such good news. I haven't read the article yet.