A family friend just posted a picture on FB of her teenager having a "prom" in the backyard with a dozen teenagers. No masks, no distancing. I just can't with people.
Here it is county driven. In Fort Lauderdale area everyone is masked. Palm Beach, maybe 85% masked, certainly in stores. Martin county, just north of us, rarely see a mask. My kids move this weekend to Martin and I told them how worrying I find this. Ugh.
Last night I started taking this Yale course on happiness that was recommended by our Wellness director at work [link]
That looks very interesting.
I saw a very sweet story about a seven-year-old boy who discovered that his babysitter, a high school senior, wouldn't have a prom. So he invited her to a prom in his back yard. He put on a suit, got a bow tie to match the dress she'd bought before everything was cancelled, got her favorite foods and (non-alcoholic) beverages. After eating, they kicked off their shoes and danced barefoot on the lawn. Throughout, they used a six-foot pool noodle to maintain their distance.
Toddson, stop restoring my faith in humanity, when I've just rid myself of it.
Aw, that's very sweet!
In other news, I just made the last payment on credit card debt I've been whittling away at for 12 years. Once that's posted, I am officially debt free! (Well, until the next statement from my month-to-month credit card, anyway.)
Wow, Matt, congratulations!
That's such a great feeling Matt. Congrats!
Yay Matt! Debt free is a great way to live.
Matt, that is AWESOME! What a relief that must be!
RED ALERT! My coworker just asked me if I read THAT website. I lost it and had to tell him the whole story. He said his wife reads it all the time but she may change her mind when he tells her about it.
RED ALERT! My coworker just asked me if I read THAT website. I lost it and had to tell him the whole story. He said his wife reads it all the time but she may change her mind when he tells her about it.
t Flames On The Side Of My Face
t Yep, Still