I'm so glad you mentioned that. I was just thinking about going to the bike path for a ride, when I saw the post and decided to check the weather radar map. Man, there's a lot of yellow just a couple miles northwest of here.
Edited to add: Yup, now it's raining beagles.
Went out to store and had to wait for good number of protesters being escorted by police. People were beeping and yelling support. The "say the name - which one" chant broke me.
I went down to the protest (or rather, one of them—there were several today I think) and ended up marching a few miles and then peeled off and had to walk home. Ow. Ankle is not thrilled. But I don't have anywhere else to go today.
It's what you're hungry for - [link]
Or at least those of us who aren't doing bread these days.
That sounds pretty tasty.
Although nothing really sounds appetizing to me today. I've been feeling rundown and tired for days but today everything tastes bad and my temperature is up. I don't actually feel terrible but me at my healthiest has not been all that functional lately and even this slight downgrade in performance is going to reduce my ability to human considerably. Do not want.
I've been feeling rundown and tired for days but today everything tastes bad and my temperature is up.
Uh. Have you considered that it might be covid?
The taste thing is especially worrisome,-t. If you can get a test, you should.
I have zero respiratory distress. It seems more likely to be something I ate. But if it doesn't clear up by tomorrow I'll figure where to go for a test. I know there's on demand testing somewhere around here.
Yes please. It would be reassuring.
Kids close on their house tomorrow. And I made an appointment for the dog with the vet because he has a dermatitis issue on his neck and chin. So busy on top of Monday normal busy