White Pie for the win!
I'd want to commit one big enough that it would no longer be a crime.
Too Big To Jail
I finished my writing deadline which was due on Monday. I have to say the country teetering and tottering about becoming a Fascist police state has been distracting.
Happy birthday, Dana! May your migraine meds be effective and your ice cream be yummy!
Happy Birthday Dana! Maybe if you tell the nurses it's your birthday, they'll hook you up to the good stuff?
I went out for lunch. No line at TJs! Woohoo. Got 2 bags of food, most importantly TP!
Pizza Bianca - Ricotta, grated Romano, premium Mozzarella, fresh chopped garlic and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil (no pizza sauce).
-t, that sounds AMAZING. Much better than the instant miso soup I had for lunch.
Happy birthday, Dana!!
I too would've voted for Bianco or Grandma. But my very early lunch because I forgot to eat breakfast other than coffee, was leftover fajitas and rice and beans from last night, and it was delicious.
Happy Birthday Dana!
I am a sucker for a good grandma slice but when I make pizza at home it's almost always a white pie. Go fig.
Pizza has arrived, and it is good. Thanks again!
Pizza, like chocolate - even when it's bad it's good. (YMMV)