Thanks, Jesse.
He's looking in the neighborhood of $1200 but can go a couple hundred higher. He's using Zillow and other sites, but I know sometimes, people try to stick to word-of-mouth if it's an owner-occupied place.
Month-to-month seems a little harder to find, too. He doesn't expect to get laid off, but he's conservative money-wise, so he doesn't want to get locked into a lease and then get laid off.
Thank you. He's not in a big rush. He's thinking ahead (which I appreciate) because he knows he's going to want to see the GF, but since her roommate is also a nurse, it's something of a risk for C.
Trudy the actuaries brought receipts.
DATA you say? What witchcraft is this?
I love being married to an actuary.
This must be a magical time for me to see unusual creatures visiting my yard. Last week it was the husky with beautiful blue eyes. Today it was a little white bunny rabbit sitting on the front lawn. I have never seen rabbits here! It hopped off to the neighbors yard and disappeared. Too cool!
Did I mention goslings? First, because I love the word, and also because Canada geese get to be (however briefly) adorably cute.
This must be a magical time for me to see unusual creatures visiting my yard.
I have SO MANY CROWS all of a sudden. They have always been around, but all of a sudden they're in my yard, on my roof, in my tree. I think they're awesome, but man, do they get LOUD when they all talk at once!
Oooh, I love crows. I don't really miss my commute but I do miss seeing the crows and ravens that hang out by the train station.
My yard has been full of starlings lately, and one cardinal pair that seem to be in a fight (they used to feed together but lately he's been hanging out in our front yard while I only ever see her in back).