People really don't understand what "asymptomatic transmission" means.
They do not and using simple explanations isn't helping. I don't know what we can do to help people understand what their actions mean.
I've become jaded enough that I don't know if it's even asymptotic transmission people don't comprehend. I think they just value themselves and their freedoms more than every other human life.
I don't know what we can do to help people understand what their actions mean.
I have come to the uncharitable conclusion rather later in life that there are a lot more stupid people out there than I had thought.
I have come to the uncharitable conclusion rather later in life that there are a lot more stupid people out there than I had thought.
Stupid, selfish, and actively cruel.
I have been saddened to realize that there are a lot more people out there who don't regard anyone who isn't them as real, or at least as someone who matters, than I had previously supposed.
On the flipside, this doesn't make me despair for humanity in general.
It just makes me understand that the spectrum from bad to good behavior is a lot wider than I thought.
Most people are not bunched towards a Median Good.
There are some actively Very Bad people out there and Very Good people.
It's just the bad people are worse than I thought. They drag the bottom of the scale down.
Stoopid people: last week I was on a family Zoom meeting. My auntie who still inexplicably loves the orange Cheeto took the cake. She suggested poking holes into the mask her daughter has to wear at Costco. After we had all laughed at the story about the lady who cut a hole in her mask saying that made it easier to breathe.
I'm kinda glad my Dad was not here to hear that one. He loved his sister, even though her politics made him want to throw up.
Since Thursday we started a week of 95-100 Fahrenheit. I do not have A/C in my place and the fan helps but it's still too hot to focus for long hours. Do Not Want.
That sounds miserable, Shir.
Not that miserable, just not highly effective in meeting my deadlines.
Edit: oh, just checked! Deadline #5 for the next 36 hours is actually due on Thursday! I think I can meet all of the other four deadlines without passing out, woo-hoo!