My mom and her lead teacher are doing that, sj. A few of the kids (pre-K) can't handle the whole class meetings, so they've been doing small groups, too. It's making a huge difference.
I love the idea of her ltc's teacher as am amazon, too. ;-)
I've been working long days the last few and haven't been online much so waves and hugs and good thoughts to everyone.
endoscopy and a colonoscopy in two weeks (like a rotisserie chicken)
Or, as overheard from the nurses, "She's in for a spinner."
I was a couple of days behind, and I've just been catching up and basking in the conversation of sane, rational people. Keep doing that, okay? It's important there're some places like this left.
Also? I love you all.
Love you, Beverly!
That's all I got. Past my bedtime.
A spinner. Beverly, thank you for sending this insomniac back to bed for another attempt at sleep with a smile on my face. Much love to you.
And much love to you, Laura. I'm sorry you're going through it with your son. You're a good and loving mom.
I love the idea of her ltc's teacher as am amazon, too. ;-)
Same, Amy.
Still got hives, can't sleep. fuck everything.
Oh Dana, the worst. I hope you get some relief soon.
It's okay now that I'm out of bed because I can put the ice pack on my arm. But yes, we will be talking to the doctor about some kind of prescription today.
Aw, Dana, that blows.
Honestly, the thing I mainly use for itching is lidocaine cream. Bug bites for example -- impossible not to itch, but with a little lido cream the sensation is entirely numbed. That's a good prescription option.
Hi Gud! I'm so glad you're checking in, even if the news could be better.
This morning is the first day when I can't pretend it's just the weekend, because I'm home-isolated from work, having been exposed (twice) last week on car rides with residents who subsequently were tested COVID-positive. SIGH.
On the bright side,, I'm missing the Monday mail, which includes all of Saturday's arrivals, plus stuff that would've arrived Sunday i there had been a mail delivery. Oh, how they are going to miss me.
Sorry Dana, that really sucks.