Glad you're feeling better, Theo!
Since CVS is delivering (most) prescriptions right now, I had my refill of BP meds delivered, and there's a note on the label from the doctor's office that says "Patient is overdue for physical with fasting labs. This will not be refilled again until that is done."
I'm not opposed to getting a physical and bloodwork under normal goddamn circumstances. But considering we're in a pandemic, I feel like going to the doctor's office is something that can fucking WAIT. And I'm going to send them a message to that effect (minus the profanity). I mean, if I have to do it, then I will, because I need to keep taking those sweet sweet BP meds, especially now.
But I still think it's ill-advised to tell a patient to come in to the office for a non-urgent matter right now. (I'm guessing the staff doesn't want me to come in, either, but this is an automated reminder generated by the Big Giant Medical Conglomerate they're part of.)
Yeah, that sounds like an automated reminder. Hopefully someone at the dr's office can override! How annoying.
Glad you are feeling better, Theo! Trazadone sounds familiar but I can't place it. Probably just sounds like something else, drug names are all kind of interchangeable in my brain. But I hope it helps, in any case.
I'm about to try our insurance's "telehealth" option ... I'm still in pain from the fall, to the extent that I can't sleep more than two hours before I move and the pain wakes me up. Our person who handles the insurance for the office suggested they might prescribe painkillers ... which would be nice, but I'm doubtful that they would (I used to be on Tramadol for my arthritis ... but there's an opioid epidemic on! according to the doctor who cut me off.)
Ouch Todd. I hope you can get a script without having to be seen. You can send bruises pictures.
Well, I'm sure the existence of an opioid epidemic made that chronic pain-causing condition just evaporate, right Toddson?
In a development not at all related to staying home yesterday, since it was scheduled last week, I had a consult with a Teladoc psychiatrist who is giving me a prescription for Trazadone as a sleep aid, since I've been plagued by insomnia. Never had that drug before so I don't think I'll try it before Friday night because I'd rather not be going to work the next morning either groggy or otherwise altered.
For what it's worth I've been on Trazadone as a sleep aid when suffering depression before and it didn't cause grogginess or any other side effects I could discern. YDrugResponseMV.
sank my dad's van in a pond in high school
This sounds like Cashmere's older brother's day off ... although he managed to cover up the issue well enough.
Back in the '60s, my mother, my sister and I took the family's brand new 1963 Grand Prix to visit my mother's parents in Louisville. We were driving in Cave Hill Cemetery and my mother took a corner kind of close. There was a large rock, concealed in a stand of tall grass, which ripped up the underside of the (brand new) car. My mother took it in to be fixed and swore my sister and I to secrecy. We kept the secret for YEARS - 10? 15? more? - until one night at dinner my sister spilled the beans to our father.
But I still think it's ill-advised to tell a patient to come in to the office for a non-urgent matter right now. (I'm guessing the staff doesn't want me to come in, either, but this is an automated reminder generated by the Big Giant Medical Conglomerate they're part of.)
DH had the exact same thing happen to him. He was able to get it sorted out once he talked to the doctor's office directly but the computers at the pharmacy and insurance agency were VERY opposed and needed to be talked down.
Personally I have NOT scheduled several non-urgent but overdue medical procedures! No mammogram for me this year, OH NOES.
My teen has been productive but I never seen her until around noon. And I know I could go bug her and make her get up, but she's dong all her stuff, so I feel like i should respect her self-management. But I miss seeing her during the day.
eta: although the printer next to me just started spitting stuff out so I guess she's up and working. damn, it's only 9:40am here.
Fucking Thunderbirds flyover.
I do feel like just the stuff going on in the world is enough to make a person depressed, never mind if they have other stuff going on as well! (Either shitty life stuff like Matilda or just brain chemistry stuff.)