So the Pentagon apparently released video of UFOs today.
I cannot stress this strongly enough: my father will be SO HAPPY. He's like that meme of the History Channel "Aliens" dude. So many conversations with my dad somehow end up with him talking about aliens.
Ooh, I would love being described as "globe trotting"! :)
My sister and BIL have bought a 50lb bag of King Arthur flour and a pound of yeast. They are READY. I wish they were nearby, I would so drive there and beg for food.
We had a Wegmans delivery today, which included real Italian bread, which felt absolutely decadent at this point. I realized I had heavy cream leftover from a recipe. So, I made a pink vodka sauce for dinner with bacon and spinach over penne. ltc complained vehemently, but she wanted the bread. So, she ate it.
sj, that sounds really tasty!
Me, I'm holding out on not going to the store, because I still have some brussel sprouts in the fridge. So brussel sprouts and maybe a frozen bratwurst for dinner.
If any of y'all read an article today about the use of heartburn medicine being studied to treat coronavirus, and it mentioned a "globe-trotting infectious disease doctor" who brought it to the attention of public health officials in the US -- well, that's my big brother.
Oh wow!
I had taken chili out of the freezer but didn't feel like eating it, so I had a quesadilla. Meh!
I really want someone else to make me something with lots of ingredients. Right now I am thinking specifically about a cocktail and a sandwich, but kind of anything.
Ok so ... there is no way to social distance and try to get a department store ready for the public (only the managers, 10 people) have been working and doing everything that needs to be done so it's a lot of boxes from shipments that have been opened for access because that is all they can do). Especiallly when everyone leaves at the same time down a narrow halloway
AND When people are hugging each other and taking selfies together and will not stay away. People are going to come to the store and be shocked- all fitting rooms are closed. No one can try on anything in the store at all (no shoes, no button down shirt over your t shirt, nothing). All seating will be removed. There will be 2 places to do returns. There will be one person per register and no one will be allowed to step in and help if there is a line.
I'm expecting complaints, I'm expecting people who want to browse and try on and I'm expecting customers will stand and chat when they see their friends and hug them and not social distance and then the virus will spread and we will be furloughed again.
McMasters did extend work or home for another 15 days though (the longest he can extend a state of emergency)
OMG, I'm so FUCKING tired of having to be on Matilda to do every single thing. I have to hound her to get out of bed. I have to take her phone away to make her do her homework. Then she dawdles for hours instead of focusing. Then I'm trying to get her up to go for a walk with JZ so she exits the house and does one stupid thing with her body today, and it takes four prompts to get her up and out of her robe and into her shoes. I literally had to stand there and order her to "Get up. Take off your robe. No put on your shoes." Because all the previous times I told her to do those things she simply flopped back into bed and did none of them.
Her absolute and complete slothful unproductivity is driving me bugshit. And it's not like I'm expecting her to do six hours of schoolwork a day. Just two hours, keep up with assignments, get off social media, get some fresh air, move her body, and read a fucking book. Expectations are really bare minimum and she does nothing like the Great Inert Lump.
well, that's my big brother.
Okay, you've mentioned him and I assumed some smart infectious disease doctor who'd done some cool things. Didn't realize he was major league.
eta: I realize I am completely fangirling your brother. That's accurate.
Parent of teenagers solidarity fist-bump, David.