Hello Monday. I think I was pretty much off the computer all weekend. Read and slept a lot. Mostly slept. Trying to get back into the swing of things again somehow.
Congrats to your nephew, -t!
Indeed. Well done.
I haven't been watching the cooking shows, but I do hope to catch up on some comedy today. SNL apparently granted Dr. Fauci's wish and had Brad Pitt play him, which is kinda fun. I haven't watched any of the from home late night shows and need to check them out.
OMG I am draggggggging so hard this morning. Still not showered. Need to go into the office. would rather curl up on couch and watch tv/sleep.
This is my first day off in five really long, physical days at the bakery, and I literally cannot keep my eyes open.
Hugs -t, just because.
(I had Mr. Loomy take a photo of me so I can post it to my office's WFH slack channel to prove I don't immediately burst into flame upon contact with sunlight.)
To continue with the cinematic (and "literary") questions, do you sparkle?
He was six when that happened Zenkitty (which was far too old for that nonsense).
Still an impossible amount of time. Sorry, but I'm still 36, and will always be 36.
(Note from objective reality, I wasn't even 36 when that happened.)
Your account of the supposedly linear progression of time is not making sense to me, Cindy, but does anyone's ever?
"Time" is such a bogus concept.
Congrats to your nephew, -t! He sounds amazing.
Congrats on the new niece, Steph! MOAR BECKMEYERS
-t, finances are so stressful even when times are good. I hope you're able to get back on track without any more trouble.
All I want to do is curl up in bed and watch tv. I have a mountain of laundry to fold and put away, notes from my side gig I need to read before we have a Zoom tomorrow, stuff at my real job I need to catch up with, and an early-morning lab test tomorrow that I have to dye my hair for. Or maybe I don't; who cares if I have pandemic hair for a 20-minute doctor visit.
This is my first day off in five really long, physical days at the bakery, and I literally cannot keep my eyes open.
And for good reason! You must be exhausted.
I am pleased with myself for going out this morning for a brief walk and trip to CVS before it really started raining because I didn't leave the house (or do any home workout or anything) yesterday or Friday and I'm about to eat a mountain of pasta for lunch.
But also, I love going to CVS! I know it's wrong and I tried to be efficient, but I really love that stupid store.
Hugs and rest, Amy!
Pandemic hair is perfectly acceptable for a lab test, Zenkitty. Or, I would argue, for anything at all.
And I think I never actually said but thought really hard - I'm sorry Mr Loomy gets claustrophobic from masks, that really sucks. But yay for Atropa not immediately bursting into flame!
Dang it, totally missed the video "town hall" with our newish VP of Marketing. I have no idea what he was going to talk about, so I probably would have learned something. On the one hand, I get that they schedule these on Monday morning as sort of getting everyone off on the same hopefully right foot for the week kind of deal, but Monday mornings are super busy by their very nature!
Today is "staffing changes" day - all 18 of the people I manage had their hours cut by 75%. They were all in 20-hour-a-week positions. But since we aren't open and I doubt we will be for at least another month and there's nothing they can do remotely...
I have been in meetings and/or on the phone since 8:30 am and this will continue all afternoon. It's hard.
Oh Flea, those sorts of calls are so hard.