Oh me too, Amy! HBD, Chicklet. Mr. Chiclet now, I guess.
Woot! Royalty check! In whatever form it manifests.
(still puzzling over one rousing. OH!)
I'm...the only person left alive, with the possible exception of your aged Aunt Erma, who still uses Woot!, aren't I?
I had to skim back to see what one rousing OH might mean hahahahahha
I think if you didn't qualify based on last year but would this year, you can get a check next year in your taxes or something? Still a weird combo of metrics between 2018 2019 and 2020...I got one because of my sabbatical last year, even though most years I'd have been above the cutoff. Yay for filing my taxes early, I guess! I plan to donate it, since it looks like I don't have to pay it back even if this year's income is over the limit.
I'm...the only person left alive, with the possible exception of your aged Aunt Erma, who still uses Woot!, aren't I?
Well, I do, but then again I might be your aged Aunt!
Happy birthday to Mr. Chiclet!
IRS page is still telling me I qualify for a payment and they have my direct deposit information but they don't have a pay date for me. Don't know what that's about.
ION it's chicken pot pie time! I am excite!
It's in the news that the store will reopen on May 1 with hours of 12-6. Haven't heard official word yet.
Need to jump on actually getting some masks.
Hope that works out ok, askye
now that I have eaten all the takeout (well, not quite all, I got some grocery type stuff and a Brandied Cherries Alexander that I am about to savor) NO REGERTS. Full disclosure - I am willing to spend money I don't have on groceries in a day or two. Hooray credit.
Also, am finally watching Into the Spiderverse. I would say "why didn't you tell me?" except I know everyone told me, but still! OMG so good