I mentioned something to Matthew.
It is so hard to try and make adults behave themselves, even harder with parents. I'm sorry. I know it is hard to watch.
he said they took his temperature six times
I confess to taking mine once a day, despite feeling fine.
I keep hearing stories about people yelling at their elderly parents to stay home, often with no luck. There is an amusing video of an Italian father who announces he's going out for coffee, to the protests of his family. He puts his coat on, goes out ... and then stops at the kitchen window to get coffee.
I used buttermilk and flour to make homemade fried chicken last night and it came out pretty good! But now I have "Skip to my Lou" stuck in my head.
Ben is negative, Cindy! Very good news. Especially since, as he only told me yesterday, they sat right next to each other for three days. ::headdesk::
Thank goodness!
I keep thinking about the bleach thing and I'm speechless. There are no words.
I have plenty of words, most of which would land me in Leavenworth.
Ben is negative, Cindy!
I spent almost a minute trying to figure out if someone had been talking about Glory.
You're saying all this time he's been subletting from her?
Ben IS Glory! Or Glory is Ben? ::hums Memory::
Guillermo will be coming to help you soon, Matt
McConnell's "let the states go bankrupt" idea seems to have pissed off some Republicans. A few are backing him but others aren't so it's interesting to see where the split is.
I seem to recall that, on the whole, Red states are more likely to be net consumers of federal funds and Blue states are net providers. Add that to the way the epidemic is moving into Red states, and any Republicans who can think beyond the ends of their own noses may be seeing a really unpleasant scenario unfolding by fall. Just in time for elections. (Assuming they happen.)
Oh hold with a doctor's office, and the Muzak has stopped. Is that a bad sign?