That is so awesome. I have been torn about rewatching the Leverage dvds I have because of Timothy Hutton, but it's hard because I don't want to watch him at all but it's such a good show.
And it means (hopefully) more dvd commentaries, I really enjoyed the Leverage ones they were a lot fun (probably helped by the alcohol that was consumed while they were doing the commentaries) but also hearing about how real certain things were
I do love a lentil chili.
I don't even know where to put this, but they're rebooting Leverage, with all of the original cast members except Timothy Hutton returning.
!!! That's so awesome!kijlgvbh
edit: what's funny about that is it looks like some on-purpose keyboard smash of excitement, but really it's just my cat walking across the keyboard.
I am so dang excited about new Leverage goodness I can't even verbalize it. It's stunning news
I don't even know where to put this, but they're rebooting Leverage, with all of the original cast members except Timothy Hutton returning.
NGL, I shrieked when I read this, and startled the kitty. That is excellent!
I gotta say, these Allstate ads make me kinda mad at everyone disrespecting President Palmer
I don't even know where to put this, but they're rebooting Leverage
That is most sincerely the best news. You have made my day.
(I literally had just gone to bed early because not able to hold back tears and checked my work stuff, and here, before retiring. So glad I did.)
I'm sort of eh on the Leverage news. I feel Noah Wylie was the weakest link in The Librarians, and I felt Leverage was really played out toward the end.
I'm not stoked about Noah Wylie (I also thought he was weak in Falling Skies: he really likes to be The Hero), but I'm happy to see Sophie, Parker, Eliot and Hardison take down corrupt bad guys again. They are the heroes we've needed.
I'm hoping Wylie won't be so OTT in the Leverage reboot but I'm sure I can deal if there is enough of the others. I was interested in seeing Parker the Mastermind and so I'm excited about that
How many times since Leverage ended has some real world made me think "we need Parker etc to do something about this"? Many many many. It's a rich vein to be mined.