How can it be free of the thing it's made of? It's just wrong.
I've found two of my thermometers, one still lost. None are in the bathroom. One was on my bedside table, and one was in my purse. Why, self? Where were you going that you thought you'd need that? And where have you hidden the other one? Naturally, the one that's lost is the only one with a fresh battery; the others need batteries, but not the same kind, oh no! and not a kind I already have, so now I'm off to order batteries.
My temperature, in the middle of the day, is 97.9. It was 96.7 early this morning. So if it should go up to 98.6, I guess I'd have a fever?
I could never figure out fat free half and half
I think a fluctuation of a degree isn't notable, Zen.
Your body temperature is like mine, Zen. I feel like over 99 is notable, for me. I had no idea how much my temperature fluctuates seemingly at random until I started taking it at frequent and fairly random intervals, but 97.something is what feels "normal" for me
Ok so update on the uemployment. Supposedly they deposited money to my account yesterday but there's nothing pending and I don't have it in my account.
And I am supposed to be actively job seeking even though I thought because I was furloughed because of the pandemic I didn't have to but they are requiring it. I didn't register, I did , it asked me what date and it had to be in a range of dates so I lied and I kind of want to go back to work so I do not have to deal with this nonsense anymore.
Theo I hope that you stay safe
Also, I think my day is finally done? My coworker that I was working with to recap the conference call (that I did not cry during, it was actually fine once we got going as heavily as the prep for it was weighing on me) told me I deserve a drink, so there you go.
Ugh, askye. I don't know what to tell you with all that but good luck and I hope it works out ok.
Your temperature is usually lowest in the morning and increases a bit throughout the day.
I don't know about SC, but in FL looking for work is not required if the reason for your furlough is Covid.
When I was giving blood the other day, they took my temperature as soon as I walked in the door, and then a minute later as part of the regular routine. The first one was almost a degree higher, since I had walked there with the mask on, and it was an oral thermometer.
I'd say 70% of people ignored the one way signs in aisles.
In some of their defense, I didn't realize they were there the first time.
I'm sick of figuring out food, and picked up a couple of old Every Day Food magazines out of a little free library the other day, so I think I'm just going to do one of their weekly menus. Assuming I can get all the things, I guess.