Happy Birthday ND!
At the very least, it will be memorable.
I had a dream last night that they reopened the library but had rearranged everything and everyone else seemed to know all about it but nobody had told me. And in the dream I suddenly realized nobody was wearing face masks or social distancing.
Also I was carrying a spoon around.
Was it a wooden spoon? Did you hit them with it, flea?
I'm missing being able to be alone in the house. And this morning... Matthew has his Xbox on playing Pandora while he watches an anime on his phone and his mom has the TV on although she's not on the phone so that's a bonus.
It's mildly annoying right now. I'm going to either go outside or get on the computer and put my headphones on.
I thought about finally baking something but not until the noise dies down.
There is stuff I want to do, mostly cleaning and organizing but I would rather do it with no one here and that isn't going to happen. It's not all bad being here but at this point I want to take a vacation to the beach by myself and have a week alone.
And then I think about Matthew's sister who is at home with 3 kids, her husband and father in law in a house smaller than ours.
I don't know what I would do if I had other people in the house with me. I know my parents are managing mostly because my dad has dedicated himself to working in the yard all day every day so they have separate spheres to be in. They've been married over 50 years, they know their limits for actually spending time just together driving each other nuts. My sister just moved in with her boyfriend right before quarantine, but I haven't heard from her recently so I don't know how that's going. I should call her. And my brother just moved into a new place and I'm not sure if it is just a room in a house or a separate apartment sort of situation, but he goes out to work every day so I imagine that helps.
Our house is just big enough for everyone to be alone while we're working, or together if we want to be. I have co-workers in Brooklyn apartments and much younger kids who are really struggling.
I don't know what I would do if I had other people in the house with me.
I was just thinking this as well. I am starting to miss interaction a little. When I run a necessary errand I find myself taking an unnecessary amount of time about it, enjoying being out. But my home is my sanctuary. If I couldn't be alone at home I would not be doing well.
I mentioned on Facebook that the results of testing everyone at my assisted living workplace is that I'm officially negative. We're having another round today as this is part if a study.
Still: negative, and so is everyone else, so the social distancing/isolation seems to be working!
My mother and I agree that our situation is ideal -- same house, separate apartments.
I really don't know how people with little kids are working at all. Or, working full-time, if there are other adults you can trade off time with. I was just talking to a coworker who is a single mother but has her mother to help, and she's working half-time, which seems right to me.
Still: negative, and so is everyone else, so the social distancing/isolation seems to be working!
Wow, everyone is negative? That's amazing. My father's old nursing home is slammed -- 30 residents have died, and something like 150 tested positive along with dozens of staff. But that's a full care situation, like, almost everyone in my father's unit was fed their meals.
That is wonderful news, Theodosia!