Jennifer Palmieri (a former HRC campaign staffer) shared this tweet: [link]
It's from Abrams' campaign manager and reads:
UPDATE as of 11:35pm: We are still waiting on Metro Atlanta to report – rural counties are in, but the city and suburbs are not #gapol
You can follow her at [link]
EDIT: That tweet is the beginning of a thread with updates.
If the difference in Georgia is less than 20,000 votes, I expect serious litigation about voter suppression efforts.
As for Beto, everyone knew it was a long-shot, and he carried a lot of Dems with him down-ballot. Plus, the other TX senate seat is up in 2 years.
Suck it Kris Kobach. SUCK IT!
It feels like a really concrete good that I did.
Thanks, Dana! I'm very appreciative.
Name recognition is a bear. The local school district candidate I supported, and for whom my niece canvassed, got shellacked by a previous incumbent who jumped into the race at the last minute. Sigh. The OUSD is losing millions and millions to charter schools, and the board seems to be doing nothing to protect its students.
I thought I had my anxiety under control. At 9pm last night I turned of the TV, turned off the computer, and went to bed. I STILL wasn't able to get any sleep. And this morning I checked the results, and they were more or less what I expected, and I'm still anxious as hell. Fuck.
Tom, anxiety is a big jerk. Is there anything you can do to try to dial it down? (Sometimes that works for me, and sometimes it doesn't.)
I keep trying to focus on the obvious gains, but I live in Florida and the view is bleak. I know we would have won the Governor seat with Gwen Graham leading the ticket instead of Gillum, but I was still excited for the youth turnout that gave him the nomination. It just sucks.
The only thing that will fix my despair is Nancy Pelosi hitting the ground running and the new committee chairpersons making Trump's life miserable. Indictments for Don Jr. and Jared would be super sweet too.
Time for me to focus on other things for a while.
Yeah, sorry, Florida.
I'm not surprised, but a little heartbroken, about Beto.