I have a big gorgeous vein in my left elbow. Phlebotomists love me. (I dated a phlebotomist once, and I joked that he only dated me for my veins.) (That may have been true.)
Y'all, I love Trader Joe's. I went to a podiatrist today to get a pesky ingrown toenail excised for good, where they destroy the nail matrix so it can't re-grow. The office was 1/4 mile from Trader Joe's, so I swung by to stock up. When I was checking out, the cashier asked what my weekend plans were, and I told her I was actually on my way to get an ingrown toenail excised, so my weekend plans were to prop my foot up and have my husband bring me tasty things.
She turned around and asked another employee something I didn't hear, and when she was all finished ringing up my stuff, the other employee returned with a bouquet of fall flowers, which the cashier gave me! She said it was to help my toe recover. So nice! So when I got home I emailed Trader Joe's to say how nice that was, because I feel like employees should get recognition when they do nice stuff.
So sweet!
My veins like to hide, but I've apparently got one vein that goes across my elbow at a funny angle that is a good candidate if it can be kept from rolling. The less experienced techs tend not to spot it as a possibility, but when they hand me off to the experts that's the one they all go for, and it usually goes ok. I'm always kind of amazed to come out with no bruise.
That is so nice, Steph! Not only did they make your day better it made me feel better too.
My veins suck, but DH and son have great veins so they know they have to do my share of blood donations. The phlebotomist at my doctor's office is really good and uses a baby needle for me. If he doesn't get it the first time he tells me to go away and come back tomorrow after drinking more. The office is convenient enough that I do exactly that. He's a sweety.
For blood draws, I always insist they go for my left hand, and the phlebotomists are amazed at how easy it is. But IVs need larger veins.
come back tomorrow after drinking more
You'd think phlebotomists would take that into account when dealing with people who haven't been able to drink anything for nearly twelve hours.
I haven't seen anyone using that nifty device that scans your arm and shows you where all the veins are.
Timelies all!
I seem to have gotten a bruise on the spot where I got my flu shot. I don't think that's happened to me before...
I have tiny veins. My doctor puts a heat pack on my left hand or the bend of my elbow to help make them easier to find, then tells me she's pretty sure that my hard-to-find veins are a result of my being a vampire. (My doctor is awesome.)
I also have tiny veins. Luckily there's one in the crook of my left elbow that's pretty reliable. I don't mind if they do it in the hand either. I'd just rather get it done than have to try multiple times.
Good veins is one of the reasons I try to give blood regularly (although, no, Red Cross, when you move the drive location across town, I can't still go right after work).
She turned around and asked another employee something I didn't hear, and when she was all finished ringing up my stuff, the other employee returned with a bouquet of fall flowers, which the cashier gave me!
So nice! And nice of you to send the note.
With the rest of my day off, I had a meeting to finish up planning for a workshop I'm doing at church on Sunday, and made pretzels! Delicious!
Those of you who've been text-banking, is it working out okay? I am not prepared to deal with angry people yelling at me, even in text form.