Which of your many costumes is this, Epic?
When I heard what the prize was going to be, I decided to step it up a bit and pull out my wearable frame. Then I searched for a portrait I thought I could pull off. I found this:
Did my best approximation of her hair and makeup, found a scarf that was pretty close to hers at the Goodwill, and rigged up a placard to the left of the frame as if it's on the wall of the museum. (I was tied up managing the frame, so I have to wait to see if any of my co-workers got a decent pic). Apparently people somehow didn't notice the frame and placard, or something, so didn't get it.
That's clever, Epic!
I'm just not into it this year. Oh well.
Oh, that sounds great, Epic!
Ha, the first little trick or treater came by my cube and told me I was a good kitty. I don't know where she got that, but I'll take it.
Timelies all!
We're reusing Mr. S's costume from last year, so he'll be a monkey.(Truth in advertising, we say.) I didn't do a costume today, but I am wearing both my sets of Halloween earrings.
I wore my newly thrifted brown velvet top hat over to early voting at town hall and the library, and found myself singing Halloween Carols with the local anti-Morris group who had gathered on the library lawn for a special spooky silent dance, so I feel sufficiently hallowe'ened.
Sweet Jesus Mary, there has got to be a better way to do this prep thing.
I've dealt with worse. I think the worst part is that I have to do this to myself.
My kids have both aged out of Halloween. But this will be the first year in ages we've been home to hand out candy, and there are several families with adorable littles on our block!
I swear a couple of my trick or treaters were at least 18.
I swear a couple of my trick or treaters were at least 18.
Same. We get a lot of teenagers wearing the bare minimum of what could generously be considered a costume. But we overbought candy, so I don't mind.
the local anti-Morris group who had gathered on the library lawn for a special spooky silent dance
The who with the what, now? That might have to be my next activity!!
My Halloween was perfect -- parading with the band through a very festive neighborhood, right near my house, and home by 8. Also I had many fans!
AND I was supposed to be on the phone now planning a church thing for Sunday, but my partner called and said she had too much wine, so we rescheduled.