My tri-focal progressive glasses rarely cost over $100 with Zenni.
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2017: That'll put marzipan in your pie plate, Bingo!
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.
Go away, 2017. You have a lot to turn around, 2018. Bring it on.
Sophia, Holy crap!
And I got a package and card from My Secret Santa, a lovely Wonder Woman scarf from Think Geek.
Also, to my giftee, sorry for slacking but stuff Is coming.
2017: the year I moved into a 2nd floor apartment and gained a view. Mostly of the Hiawatha Fie station, but I'll take what I can get!
Emily, thank you for the archery range gift certificate! That's just what I need to shift me from idly thinking about it to actually going!
Happy new year everyone! I feel I've been around less this past year. A lot of that was just the politics train wreck; I found it harder than usual to engage after that.
My 2017 was, at a personal level, pretty good, even if I also spent a lot of it more worried for the state of the world than any time since leaving the borderline apocalyptic FAC. Our most momentous event was building an extension on the back of the house so Biyi's parents can have their own space, and finally getting the back yard landscaped. I've uploaded some photos to flickr, for instance: [link] It's mostly native plants that cope well with dry conditions; we also have some bamboo and three citrus trees (lemon, lime and mandarin). The planter box in the corner, which we built for Biyi's mother, is mostly a herb garden, but Ryan is growing a couple of tomato plants in there too.
Speaking of, Ryan has now finished Year 3. This year he started playing saxophone, which is fun. He's been doing tunes like the Star Wars theme and the James Bond theme. Here's a photo of him, taking an archery lesson with one of his friends. [link]
In conclusion, I present this photo of a meerkat, just because. [link]
I don't know why I am so jealous of people with citrus trees. I don't even use that much citrus. But somehow it just seems the ultimate luxury to me (next to also having an avocado tree)
Well, that seems like as good a segue as any.
At the end of May, we bought a house. It was built in 1933 and I think the lemon tree in the back yard was planted about then. It still needs a lot of work (It feels like we'll NEVER finish paint-scraping), but it's a good house.
The "we" in the previous paragraph is me and my fiance (since March. He proposed during a dress rehearsal. Worked it into the opening number of the show. Well done, him). What with the whole "rock in the middle of the ocean" thing, and his brother being in Vietnam, we're not getting married until July of this year, which is kind of the "we need to be done scraping paint" deadline.
I've been super busy with work and theatre stuff, but I have been reading, so I think I feel like I'm around more than it looks like I'm around.
Here's a photo of him, taking an archery lesson with one of his friends.
Awww, looking so cute with his blue glasses (which I totally validate).
The "we" in the previous paragraph is me and my fiance
Good news! Let's highlight the rare examples of that in 2017.
Lovely backyard and Ryan is such a handsome and adorable young man!