Reavers ain't men. Or they forgot how to be. Now they're just nothing. They got out to the edge of the galaxy, to that place of nothing, and that's what they became.

Mal ,'Bushwhacked'

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2016: We know the world didn't end, because, check it out!  

Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.

Go away, 2016.

quester - Dec 27, 2016 6:45:26 pm PST #178 of 269
Danger is my middle name, only I spell it R. u. t. h. - Tina Belcher.

Dear Secret Santee, the package will be mailed soon. I ordered something today that I hope I get this week and then I'll be ready to send. Hang in there. I hope it will be a New Year's gift.

Calli - Dec 27, 2016 6:54:53 pm PST #179 of 269
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I came home to an unexpected book on roses. Was this my secret Santa? It's lovely, but I didn't see any indication of where/who it's from. Thank you, if it's from you! It's huge, and has tons of info on one of my favorite plants.

Dana - Dec 28, 2016 5:55:26 am PST #180 of 269
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

Got back in town last night, checked mail this morning, and there's a lovely "Calm Coloring Book" waiting for me from a Buffista elf. Thank you! The calming part is especially appreciated.

Kate P. - Dec 28, 2016 5:53:53 pm PST #181 of 269
That's the pain / That cuts a straight line down through the heart / We call it love

Came home today from a week away to find packages from both my Secret Santa and the Buffista Elf! I have deduced that Anne W. was my Santa, and she did a wonderful job: she made a donation to a local-to-me org that provides services to the homeless, plus she sent me delicious-smelling lavender-oat soap! Thank you so much.

And I was so touched to get a package from the Buffista Elf to boot: an iTunes gift card and another sweet-smelling soap!

Thank you both; it lifted my spirits to open your gifts, and to be the recipient of such generosity and thoughtfulness.

SailAweigh - Dec 28, 2016 6:28:35 pm PST #182 of 269
Nana korobi, ya oki. (Fall down seven times, stand up eight.) ~Yuzuru Hanyu/Japanese proverb

I was elfed, today, too! I received a spiffy Iron Man drinking glass. Fortunately, it does not have a repulsor on the bottom, so it won't jump out of my hand unexpectedly. I hope. Depends on how often I refill it, I suppose.

JenP - Dec 29, 2016 10:41:14 am PST #183 of 269

Oh, maybe I got elfed instead of Secret Santa-ed. In any case, I love the lemony soap and iTuens gift card!

And my giftee will be getting a preliminary gift next week. Ahem.

Jesse - Dec 29, 2016 10:46:51 am PST #184 of 269
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I just got a great package from amych!! A "fuck off" coloring book for 2016, a gorgeous scarf for 2017 (although I'll start wearing it immediately!!), and a really lovely note and donation to PP. Thank you!!

msbelle - Dec 29, 2016 10:58:32 am PST #185 of 269
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

I got lovely cards from Debet and SueO.

Amych is off my list of potentials. And then there were 3.

Burrell - Dec 29, 2016 2:34:06 pm PST #186 of 269
Why did Darth Vader cross the road? To get to the Dark Side!

Buffista elf appeared and gifted me with a Wonder Woman water bottle and some nummy chocolate caramels (which happen to be a favorite!). I had totally forgotten that there might be gifts coming, so that was nice

lisah - Dec 29, 2016 6:26:42 pm PST #187 of 269
Punishingly Intricate

Things in my Box o' Canadianness from Sue include: super cozy Canadian flag mittens, local coffee, local blueberry rum chocolate balls, local chocolate caramel bar (that I ate up right away! NOMS), a Canadian passport ornament that went right up on the tree, a card game where you guess who's a Canadian or not, a bag of "Chicken Bones" (cinnamon candy filled with chocolate...regional treats for the win!), and a CD of Canadian music which I haven't played yet but which my Canadian citizen husband says is probably "all the Hip."

So generous, Sue!! Made my & Canadian Bob's Christmas!