'Day' is a vestigial mode of time measurement based on solar cycles. It's not applicable. I didn't get you anything.

River ,'Out Of Gas'

Goodbye and Good Riddance 2016: We know the world didn't end, because, check it out!  

Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Thanksgivukkahmas, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering.

Go away, 2016.

Atropa - Dec 20, 2016 11:10:31 am PST #130 of 269
The artist formerly associated with cupcakes.


Polgara - Dec 20, 2016 1:55:25 pm PST #131 of 269
Karma is a cat, sleeping in my lap cuz it loves me. ~TS

I got a gift "card" in my email yesterday to one of my favorite online stores, joyofsocks.com! Woo! Thanks, C. Krit Santa!

Steph L. - Dec 20, 2016 6:44:52 pm PST #132 of 269
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

I'm assuming this wasn't a buffista, but it's still an odd Secret Santa thing -- left on my front porch this morning was a bag of cute gothy purses. It was hanging around the neck of one of our larger gargoyles. No note, just little purses with skulls and bat wings.

Have you started manifesting your will through handbags?

amyth - Dec 21, 2016 3:36:54 am PST #133 of 269
And none of us deserving the cruelty or the grace -- Leonard Cohen

My Buffista Elf has elfed! I got some nice-smelling soap and a Wonder Woman reusable water bottle. Thank you!

amych - Dec 21, 2016 2:50:18 pm PST #134 of 269
Now let us crush something soft and watch it fountain blood. That is a girlish thing to want to do, yes?

Dearest secret santee: Fear not! Your package will be ... somewhere between boxing day and new years. It's all together, but I only just managed outside pants today for the first time all week. Post office tomorrow, I pinky-swear.

Dana - Dec 21, 2016 3:07:41 pm PST #135 of 269
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

Thanks for the card, Suzi!

beth b - Dec 21, 2016 3:30:19 pm PST #136 of 269
oh joy! Oh Rapture ! I have a brain!

dear secret giftiee:

choices have been made, but nothing is sent. Soon, and it will be showing up in installments

erikaj - Dec 22, 2016 11:31:08 am PST #137 of 269
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

Nora...thanks for the Anne Tyler novel. We enjoyed the hot chocolate mix with marshmallows today..very good! Sorry I didn't know it was you...my handwriting-deciphering skills have gone south since journalism school. Doy.

Nora Deirdre - Dec 22, 2016 12:06:43 pm PST #138 of 269
I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast! (Bojack Horseman)

Me? I didn't send anything to anyone (I suck.)

msbelle - Dec 22, 2016 12:34:20 pm PST #139 of 269
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Burrell, I believe is who was the sender. Yes?