Major points, Amy!
I am enjoying the image of your luggage exploding (should use a less alarming word, I suppose), Matt!
I should definitely go to Tai Chi tonight, but I don't want to. Little bit of a headache and I am, as always, tired. Oh, shoot, would I have time for dinner? Oops.
ETA all the less terrible things sound pretty darn good.
Yesterday I bought a pork shoulder at the butcher counter and made adobo pork in the slow cooker, and that turned out really well.
I just put pork shoulder on my grocery list! There are few things I love more than having pulled pork in the freezer.
Job hunting sucks. I hope you find something good, quickly, PMM.
You guys, Pumpkin just stalked a sand cat stalking bugs on tv.
I'm sorry about all the job woes. I'm really working on getting out of the really negative headspace the past couple of years under CompletelySuckingCompany and work crisis mode since spring, but it is hard. I've always been the dept eyeore, but I got seriously dark and I need to check that.
Apparently when you do something and nothing goes wrong, nobody notices. Blah blah branding and visibility blah blah.
It sounds like they're encouraging you to make mistakes and be loud.
Uhg. TFW a really good friend has applied for jobs you are on the interview crew for and you know she didn't make the shortlist because she's not in your schedule. And you wonder if HR has blacklisted her despite being really accommodating in the layoff.
aurelia makes a good point.
Mmm, pork shoulder. Oh, hey, I impulse bought a spiral-sliced ham yesterday, so I have that nom to look forward to.
I seem to have talked myself out of going to class tonight. I just don't want to make the drive. If the start the Tiger tonight I will be bummed, because the beginning is the part I don't know. Or the Deer, which I don't know at all. But I'm still at work because if I stop what I'm doing now I will never figure out what I was thinking tomorrow.
Oh, ugh, sarameg. What a terrible position to be in!
Yeah. There are several position with the same description, and some haven't opened interviews yet, but if all candidates are equally good, the pretty much line up for top pick for the next spot in the queue. And on paper, these folks are impressive. I'm a little intimidated and they'd be paralleling my position but junior grades. I'd be training some of them.
I'm hoping she shortlisted later postings, and they didn't include me at all because our friendship is well known (I saw her give birth, fergawdsake.) But I don't know.
I have the baseball game paused because DH is on a work break. This calls for more wine, which may not be that great an idea since I have been brainless all day.