Travel~ma, meara.
Oh dear, Dana. Too early for that nonsense.
Laura, at least you were with friends who you could laugh at it with?
Drew and Brendon at least had the good sense to get a drink as we walked into the theater. I was nearly sober for this. Good fun. I think tonight might be comedy but not sure. I can take abomination in musicals easier than comedy I think. Although bonus for being able to laugh out loud.
aurelia, good thoughts for your mom.
Laura, that sounds hilarious.
Purging/decluttering update:
For those who haven't seen on FB, I started a huge decluttering project two weekends ago by taking a carload of stuff to Goodwill, sending off a box of t-shirts to make a t-shirt quilt, sending two boxes of books/CDs/DVDs to Decluttr (and making $50.00!), ordering an envelope from ThredUp for clothes purging (which I still need to fill), attempting to sell a few Madame Alexander dolls via LetGo (the buyer was a no-show, trying again), and recycling and throwing out a bunch of stuff.
Yesterday, I hired two college students from a website called Sweeps (because we are outside TaskRabbit's service area) and they came over with a big pickup and made four trips to the thrift shop down the street. I got rid of:
An ancient gas grill, three dining room chairs, a night stand, a bed frame (for a full-size bed, and I only have a king-size, and a queen-size in my second bedroom), a hide-a-bed couch that weighed a ton, a solid wood bookshelf that also weighed a ton, a big bag of books, two TV stands.
They also helped rearrange furniture/move it to different rooms. Everything fits so much better now! Yay!
Now all I have left is more purging and cleaning and putting things away, which I can do on my own. This is such a relief!
The worst theatre I've seen was a time when I went with my brother. A friend of his was in the production, which was the brainchild of her then-boyfriend. His day job was a chiropractor, but fancied himself a thespian.
She asked Brendan after the play what he thought of it, to which he replied, "I hope the sex is good."
Wow amyth, that sounds awesome!
Wow, amyth! Go you!
Laura, that sounds hysterical. Someone I know is starting a stint as an entertainer on a cruise ship in January, and I am pretty confident she will be better than that! (I'm also pretty confident she'll be performing alone, which has got to help....)
My resentment level for this 6:45 meeting is at "flames on the side of my face".
Every time you post about your early meetings, I am grateful that I almost never have a meeting before 8:30. Because I would start at flames and go up from there every time.
I feel bad for shrift. Just overheard the flight attendant say they were oversold by six on this flight but they managed to move one woman to a direct flight to Detroit instead. Which...this plane is going to Dallas. Talk about out of the way! But I'm going almost as far, deliberately to avoid ohare.
Let's hope that woman was ultimately going to Detroit? The one time I really won the oversold game, my new itinerary was better than my original one.
I am going to have to sample more of the entertainment under the theory that it can't all be that bad. I didn't comment on the quality of the sound because all I got on that was there was noise.
Well done, amyth! Can you come and stay with me in FL for a week or two and help me purge? I really have to do something about all my stuff stuck in storage and closets.
meara, considering my experience lately, I would like to avoid O'Hare as much as possible now that it's not my home airport. I also want to avoid flying United, because they have mechanical issues the majority of the time when I fly with them. What the hell is wrong with their maintenance schedule?!
Aurelia, good thoughts for your mom!
Go you with the decluttering, amyth!
Last night, I was driven mad by a clockwork sound. I got out of bed and put my ear to every device that possibly could be making the noise, but they were all silent. Eventually I traced the noise to the living room. The Christmas tree light timer is plugged into the electrical socket on the opposite side of the bedroom wall.
Shrift, I know it's a little out of your way for Kalamazoo, but on the whole I've had a not-terrible time going through Detroit. Of course, I'm flying there this Friday, and now that I've jinxed things, I fully expect it to make a liar out of me. Still, I've generally gotten in and out with minimal delays as often than not. And from what I've heard about O'Hare, a 50% OK-ish rating would be an improvement.
Amyth, I can't wait to see your revamped digs!