( continues...) before aiming where they were supposed to).
- I don't think the blue screen, random flashes of other images, and little HDMI icon in the corner were design choices. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm also pretty sure that we weren't supposed to get a soundtrack of heavy actor breathing between scenes. I mean, I like the tech guy. The tech guy very nearly had a nervous breakdown because of this play. You cannot undertake a technically complex play with 3 rehearsals in a performance space (note: may have bee 2 rehearsal). Also, think hard before deciding that a fog machine is the answer to any problem.
- *Let's not even BEGIN to get into the horrifying racism of that whole backstory decision
- **The play was not about suicide. I'm not sure what the play WAS about, but, yeah, not about suicide.
Yeah, items 1-20 on the reaction list were variations on "What the fuck?"
It appears that bad theatre killed the thread. Sorry.
In my mind, I see you watching it like Lorelai watching the Stars Hollow musical. Clipboards and clipboards of notes and painful crying.
I didn't want to have a paper trail that people might try to look at in the theatre. Otherwise, yeah, probably would have.
Also, think hard before deciding that a fog machine is the answer to any problem.
Good advice in general, not just in the theatre.
Yeah, unless you're Bonnie Tyler or a professional wrestler you should probably think long and hard about the need for one.
I went to the supermarket for many things, including for a holiday treat I was going to make my family. They didn't have ground pork! It "didn't come today"! What the eff is that? I guess I could have bought a piece of pork and ground it myself, but I didn't think of that until just now.
I went to the grocery store too, mostly to get gas but also to make sure the car got started at least once this cold weekend (it did not enjoy it). As I went through the grocery store, I kept telling myself, "You're only thinking of buying that because you're bored. Safe it for Christmas/New Year's. Put down the cookie dough designed for eating raw--oh, all right, but eat it slowly when it gets home."