Steph, was hers a lapro? Or did they have to open?
Definitely a case of ymmv. Even at the worst, I think the oxy was probably overkill for me, but it made me sleep hard, which was probably wise.
Fun fact: my brother has an actually tested & IDed genetic anomaly/feature that means his opiod receptors don't. So opioids have no pain or pleasure effect on him. They ultimately still depress respiratory in massive amounts. We think my mom probably is the same because the times she's taken them (after a c-section, blearg) she described it as a horrid, painful experience....probably because it wasn't doing anything for her pain!
Connie, I don't know about shifting. Everything is just way sensitive to movement. Feels too jiggly.
Steph, was hers a lapro? Or did they have to open?
I think it was laparoscopic, because it was a fairly quick procedure, based on the timing of her FB posts.
I think this may not be the Neko Atsume thread, but I finally saw Peaches! Still need Bengal Jack and 5 mystery cats.
I have not played Neko Atsume since Pokemon go came out.
It's around -17C here with colder windchills. Working downtown means the winds are brutal. Of course, I've had to leave the office for meetings twice today.
Ha! And now someone is commenting on my friend's post that she (the other person) ran a 10-mile Army race 1 week after getting her gallbladder out, and my friend shouldn't even still be in the hospital. I think it's about to turn into a competition in those comments.
OTOH, someone else emphatically said that my friend should never have had her gallbladder out but should have done a cleanse. I think what those 2 comments prove is that my friend knows CRAZY people.
I think you are right.
I think if someone had suggested a cleanse, I would have suggested they shove a shot glass up their urethra and out their belly button.
How is your mother's ankle, Jesse?
Foot/knee, but OK, I guess? There's nothing wrong with the knee, per the doctor, but she wrenched it pretty good, so it's been hurting. Mostly I think she's bored. So I feel bad that I'm going out tonight, but not bad enough not to go!
OTOH, someone else emphatically said that my friend should never have had her gallbladder out but should have done a cleanse. I think what those 2 comments prove is that my friend knows CRAZY people.
Holy crap, seriously.
The north end of the lake has a rain cloud over it. The south end of the lake is in sun. A cloud is rolling around the corner of the mountain and closing over the south end. I love being able to watch weather develop (and I can have the weather radar website open and watch it develop. It's kind of like having a sports broadcaster calling the action as I watch it unfolde)
Non-Buffalo wings are meh.
I've had good spicy Thai wings at actual Thai restaurants. (That is, not some Thai flavored thing at a Wingstop.)
Just ran the steps for the first time since the day after Thanksgiving. Not bad. Just gotta...Be Consistent! Be Be Consistent!
Don't bust a stitch, sarameg! Though I'm sure it felt good to get out for a bit.
I'm just getting over the gurgle guts virus I caught from Matilda. 24 hours and done but each trip to the bathroom now is an adventure still because of kaopectate.
I can always tell when people are playing on a private channel of the internal messaging system, stifled laughter coming up from various corners of the room. I love this time of year in my industry, it's nice and quiet.
Looks like President Obama's press conference is starting.