Her Saturday is the equivalent of my last night and my gallbladder was no longer in inflamed attack mode when removed. Could I have gone to the wine night? Sure. But honestly, it was the first day I was permitted shower, first day all my plumbing was working in normal and expected ways, and I had no desire to get out of fuzzy pants or think too hard about finding a comfortable place to settle. I do think it is a Ymmv, and I'm actually a little surprised at how well I'm doing.* That said, I wouldn't say anything unless she's asking for other experiences for comparison.
Sometimes you need goals to avoid focusing on that thing now. Mine was teleworking by Monday so I could write this week off (and be surprised if it went better than planned, because that's what my brain needs.) Some people do rewards-goals. I do endurance-goals.
*(but I'm still fucking impatient about it.)
That said, I wouldn't say anything unless she's asking for other experiences for comparison.
Yeah, I wasn't planning on piping up unless she asks. I just wondered if that was a bit too soon to be socializing. Plus the party is about an hour's drive north, and that seems like a lot of travel on a cold night (an hour up there and an hour back) when she could just be snuggly in her pjs.
The travel would have been too much for me. Heck, I didn't want to put on enough clothes to be ferried to the grocery 10 minutes away this afternoon!
Just came in over the radio: verdict in the trial on the Emmanuel massacre in Charleston: guilty.
I would hope so.
The benefits of buddying up to the AP person -- remember when my expense report got rejected? She just told me that my boss got someone else's rejection overturned! Which I actually think is really unfair, and I'd rather have the moral superiority than the $100 at this point in my life.
I want to color in my coloring book and also huddle under three blankets. These two aims are not meshing.
I decided to take a sick day because I woke up feeling like crap and I have no spoons. It's supposed to rain all day. I finally crawled out of bed to eat lunch, so now maybe it is time for the couch and TV.
I am also feeling like crap. Tried various remedies, but even my miraculous migraine meds have only helped me feel a little better. Wtf, body?