msbelle, 20 Mule Team Borax for all surfaces. Trust me.
Sorry MAC is a pill. He'll regret it eventually you but it sucks getting through. A lot.
The exciting thing is that I can go to urgent care, which won't cost me anything right now, and try to get them to give me a prescription. Which will also not cost me. So, yay? Glad the end of the world coincided with my year of high health costs?
I hit my limits on Rx and probably everything. It's a depressing yay.
Sarajevo, pillows against tummywhen you cough until you can tighten you ab core.
Go, Laura! How satisfying .
Congrats to Laura and co.
OMG- we live in western ny- why can no one drive like a normal person in snow. I have been on my bus for an hour and a half and I am not even half way through my trip. It isn't the bus driver- everyone is driving so slow it takes forever to get through stop lights!
Sophia, I've been meaning to say that I've thinking about you. NPR has a professor from Rochester on for some science thing every week now and my brain says, "Sophia (really your real name) lives in Rochester." Every. Single. Time. Good vibes to Buffistas being triggered by NPR.
Oh no! Now Jesse's Mom has no sole.
HA. Although I hope I didn't curse poor Jesse's mom.
My 9AM meeting was canceled and my boss is out sick today. Today might be okay.
Remember that I'm close by for Lyft requests, Jesse.
Ooh, how would I work that?
Ooh, how would I work that?
Stand on your porch and yell her name really loudly?