I went to see Allegiance (a word that I think I have finally learned how to spell), too! I was going to go with some friends, one of whom had his employer buy tickets for everyone (yay, arts education departments), but that theater was sold out (yay, Hawaii!), so the other 3 of us went to the other "city" on the island, and it was darn near full. This is what happens when there are pretty limited opportunities to see high-quality theatre without getting on an airplane.
All of us were at least generally familiar with the internment camp thing: me because that's how I roll, JJ because she grew up in California, and EL grew up here, and, even though she's white, was very "I see my community reflected in these characters. I know people exactly like this." Which was cool.
I saw it last night with 6 from the family. Almost empty theater.
I'm not sure meetings are the best method for that.
They rarely are.
Glad to hear no issues, msbelle!
Operations is going to see Moana on Friday. Yay, a movie I want to see!
I am growing doubtful that my belly dance teacher will actually stop by with my choreography. She said first thing this morning yesterday. Oh well, I'm doing pretty well with my cribbed together notes from watching videos of previous performances...
Super cute dog in the office today wandering around trying to get pettins.
I had tickets but then I missed it. Because I forgot and then it was late and then it was eight [degrees].
She just tected that she's on her way, hooray!
Aw, dog.
My university brings dogs in for stress relief during exams, so I was able to pet a gorgeous Great Pyrenees today. So big and fluffy!
I missed it because I couldn't get tickets, really wished I'd heard admit it earlier.
OTOH, I did a bunch of holiday cards and made cookie dough for pfeffernusse.