Fingers crossed!!
Oh, other good news: I'm approaching finalist status for this job I'm interested in! I have to write them up a thing, but it seems pretty easy/straightforward. I'm vaguely afraid they are looking for a specific format, though, so does anyone know anything about HBS case study analyses? (It's not actually an HBS case study analysis that I have to do.)
Catching up on Sam Bee, and I want to punch every old white man I see in the face.
We just got the message that federal offices in the DC area will be closed for a national day of mourning Inauguration Day. That's normal when it falls on a weekday.
The direction also asked federal offices to try to be closed on the 18th and 19th, which has never happened before.
Given that the 16th is MLK day, it's practically the whole week off.
Go, Jesse! And yay, David!
(and commiserations with Volans' news)
That's actually pretty unsettling, Volans.
Interesting, Volans. Especially since we're taking advantage of the existing days off to visit San Diego. (I work a condensed schedule, which gives me every other Friday off -- including 1/13.)
Edit to Add: I've done a Google search. The Powers That Be are encouraging agencies to be flexible on telecommuting on those days, but I can't find anything on closing the government on those days.
Eeep, our licensing guy says his inside sources are saying that not only did our pitch go well, but that they want to Fast Track it. We'll officially know by the end of the week.
Every single fucking digit crossed and that is making my toes uncomfortable and also it is hard typing.
DC always shuts down for Inauguration Day - no mail, public transit is on a holiday schedule (even though they tell everyone to use it rather than driving in), massive street closures, security all over the place. And, for those who do drive in, if they park anywhere that might be anywhere "near" (near being defined as somewhere a paranoid security person thinks might, possibly, somehow, come within several blocks of anyone associated with the administration, security, the police, etc.) the parade route, their cars can be towed away and parked someplace else ... with no notice of where. There's usually a spate of complaints afterwards from people who parked their cars someplace they were sure was OK and find them gone, report them stolen and later get whacked with massive fines for having been parked for extended periods of time in a non-legal parking place.