Seconding a better ratio for a Jesse.
Sarameg I hope the 13h comes quickly for your sake.
There is a strange stairwell at work with one set of stairs wrapped around another such that you can't get from the third floor to a useful part of the first floor without either going through a rehearsal room on the second floor to switch staircases or... climb the railings. I'm relatively long legged so I have been known to go over the railings a time or two. Today must have been the first time I've done it while carrying a box though. I may have stretched something a liiiiiitle too far. Ow.
aurelia, that sounds like a fire hazard. And truly weird.
Yeah, I will try to remind myself of potential badness. Partly my concern is im really bad at hiding my feelings. So I worry the friend will pick up on it and awkward will ensue. But also because this is a friend and someone I like as a person, I want to hang out and have fun with them and not like, stop being friends! (Only hanging out in a group is one step but...apparently not enough, as there was some cuddling on the couch while watching movies that I should've not done)
Cuddling IS nice!! And I feel like I've only recently got a group of friends again where we are more cuddly? I feel like it's depressing how little human touch single adults get. And that's probably part of why I am starting to crush, though.
We're social animals! We need some consensual not-necessarily-sexed-up touching!
Before my alarm went off this morning (oh, 6:45AM meeting, je despise vous), I was having a dream where someone was illustrating something with a math concept, but (our) Hillary was sitting next to me and making frustrated noises until the person stopped and let her explain it correctly.
Fancy cocktails with Jesse definitely helped my ratio!
There were no cheese or pickles, but it was still good!
Thanks to Lee on Facebook, I am now looking up Caribbean vacations...
I'm sitting in on a course in a university business school. It's actually a lot more interesting than I'd expected.
Anyone have any good methods for stopping an incipient crush?
Oh that is a tricky one. I am a natural flirt and generally good at keeping the crushing under control, but it is so easy for it to get messy and awkward. I'm still annoyed over one of my best friends that I would flirt with all the time. I knew he had a crush, but we were best buds and would go out to lunch together or whatever all the time. Until he got a girlfriend, then he couldn't anymore. What the hell? I was always married, we never dated, but now we aren't buds anymore because you are. People are flawed.
I just have to get to the 13th.
Fast forward now! May time fly without too much craziness for the duration.
Hillary was sitting next to me and making frustrated noises until the person stopped and let her explain it correctly.
I love when Buffistas visit my dreams. Get 'em, Hil.
Fancy cocktails with Jesse definitely helped my ratio!
Yes, this would help anyone's ratio. With or without cheese and pickles.
I am now looking up Caribbean vacations...
Ah, 12 days from now I shall be floating in the Caribbean with Pix and ND, and a cruise ship full of others. In anticipation I bought a pretty dress - [link]
And as of last night I have water! Plumber finally got here and fixed the broken stuff. So I showered. Woo! Now to do 3 days worth of dishes.
Also, still in a hate all stupid humans mode. I got super pissy with a customer last night. They have been vaguely saying there is an issue with prescribing for weeks. Takes them hours, get errors, etc. I have asked repeatedly, what user, what patient, what error, give me something to work with here. It works fine for me. Last night another email saying it had to be fixed tomorrow! All caps and all that. I wrote back that it was the same as asking the doctor to diagnose without seeing the patient or even getting a list of symptoms. I'm good, but not that good. I know they want me to go there or something, but this should be easy.
My patience is just gone for humans. Sigh. (wow, long post, let's see how many typos!)