Special election in TX yesterday State Senate seat in a district that has been D for a long time. The seat is open because the last Senator is headed to prison, guilty of 11 felonies. It's a district where there's been a lot of corruption and machine style party politics. R won the seat last night and now Rs hold 2/3 of the TX Senate.
All depressing, but this is the worst part. Only 5% of eligible voters came out.
Turnout is the only thing that will matter in Nov.
sending opportunity~ma, Maria
(and then disappears again bc I am the worst)
disappears again bc I am the worst
Au contraire, at a book event a couple weeks ago, Greg Van Eekhouse and I determined that you are the best!
Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day! argh, maties!
Ugh. Just had to unfriend a dude on fb who was posting about how awful it is when me. Are falsely accused of rape or harassment and lose their jobs. And I was like "yeah, it's unfortunate but so rare that ima spend lots more time worrying about the many women who suffer from harassment and assault and are disbelieved when they come forward" and he was like "oh so you're "shoot them all and let god sort it out?#democrats2018" and I just couldn't. I really wonder if his wife is even reading his fb (I don't know her)
We're doing mandatory overtime this weekend, yippie-skippie. A full shift on Saturday. I'm too crabby for this sort of thing. I've gotten boring, too, because I'm thinking of dumping the overtime into savings this year instead of a cool new electronic device.
Sorry, meara. I am quick with the unfriend button these days. Zero tolerance. Very rarely I will get into a bit with strangers on comment sections, but come to my senses and disengage. Trying to not waste my energy on changing people and working on getting sane people, like the young people in my life, to vote. Too many of them didn't in 2016.
Yeah, it just disappoints me so much that not only does he feel that way but he feels it so strongly he has to post about it and defend it! And then when I argued with him he was like "well anyone who sleeps with men raise your hand" and I said "will anyone who gets to not think about men, because they don't sleep with them, raise their hand? I wish"
Wow. I wish people would stop surprising me. I keep reminding myself that I know lots of truly wonderful sane people, bunches of them here, and these shitheads are surely the vocal exceptions. (I have to say I enjoy watching my words change after I post) If only there were a Good Place filter that would obliterate ignorant posts!