Oh, Sophia I do hope you find her. Beverly's ideas were good ones. I've had a couple elderly ones that took off when it was time. They really prefer not to be found. I'm sorry.
On the list indeed, Sparky1. My dog made me get up and feed her and let her out, then after I got to work went back upstairs and is now in my bed!
Laura, and best of luck to your SiL
I sent her a steamy picture of Jason Momoa yesterday captioned "For Your Health" and she wrote back instantly, OMG I'm Cured!! plus a bunch of hearts. She said she got out of bed and walked to prove she could get to the bathroom and made them take out her catheter so it sounds to me like she is doing pretty good. Of course they take blood constantly and she is still infected, but the drugs are doing their thing. She's vegetarian so the liquid diet is even more boring than usual.
Oh, dear, Sophia. Best wishes for kitty discovery.
There is a wasp who fell in love with the top of my fridge and may try to build a nest there. Thankfully a friend is coming over to help me to evacuate it. I was already Very Brave getting lunch out of the fridge (hunger>cowardness), but risking wasp's anger by kicking it out is too much for me.
Had a moment of panic when I thought I was late for a doctor's appointment. Then I checked, and it's not until 10:50. Then I looked closer, and it's not until tomorrow. Thanks so much for that jolt of adrenaline, Monday.
So I'm looking at $1500 for a complete transmission rebuild. I swear I never grind the gears! SIGH.
Ugh. That sucks. Sorry, Theo.
Ugh, Theo. That sucks.
I was all set to go back to working out today when I realized that it isn't just ltc's school that is closed for the holiday. I guess it will have to wait until Wednesday.
Oh no, Theo! I'm sure you've thought about when it makes sense to start over with a new car.
There is a wasp who fell in love with the top of my fridge and may try to build a nest there.
Yikes! You are Very Brave.