I had two semi-stressful meetings in a row and no time to pee for hours and ugh. The good news is, the thing that I was pretty sure I hadn't fucked up? I hadn't fucked up! (Intimidating coworker: "I've asked and asked to be copied on these things!" Me, internally, "Ugh, I guess I fucked up yet again..." [time passes, I get back to my desk and search my email] Me, via email: Here's the email chain you were in fact copied on!!!!)
But I'm still feeling jangly and behind even though I have had lunch and a half-hour at my desk.
And if you had never taken this particular preparation before, how small would you try to get the dose do you imagine? Or would you not risk it and just dispose of them? Asking for a friend.
I would check a site like Rxlist. com to see what the starting dose is, and then split the pill accordingly (if possible).
Let's take oxycodone as an example, since my dad takes 30-mg pills of it, which is a fucking high-ass dose. But he's developed a tolerance to them over years of taking them, so he's fine when he takes a 30-mg pill (sometimes he takes 2 at a time, holy balls). Rxlist says a starting dose of oxycodone for someone who has never taken it is 10 mg every 12 hours.
It would be a pain to try to cut a 30-mg pill into thirds just to get it down to 10 mg, so if Dad had ever given me any of his oxycodone pills for something like dental pain (which I will neither confirm nor deny) I would cut a 30-mg oxycodone pill into quarters, for a dose of (roughly) 7.5 mg. And even that dose would (hypothetically, of course) make me loopy as hell.
Cory Booker and Kamala Harris: YES
The Cincinnati shooting was two blocks from my work, and I know someone who works in the Fifth Third building, but we were almost entirely unaffected. Found out from the news after the shooting was over, and didn't close or anything.
I would check a site like Rxlist. com to see what the starting dose is, and then split the pill accordingly (if possible).
Rxlist, cool...for my friend.
I'm sure that's the best possible way to spend a shooting, ignorant of it. Glad you're all okay.
And if you had never taken this particular preparation before, how small would you try to get the dose do you imagine? Or would you not risk it and just dispose of them? Asking for a friend.
Though Teppy has more applicable credentials than I do, I would try a quarter to a half. If it's an older pill, maybe half, a newer one a quarter. You do seriously have to have years of training to take regular full doses and still be functional. Hubby had a briefcase full of different things.
Ugh -- my car is not getting repaired until at least Monday. (Very good mechanic, one of his guys is out due to illness, I am slotted in on a FIFO basis.) So it looks like I'll take a short-term rental in order to at least have some money coming in over the weekend. Le Sigh.
You do seriously have to have years of training to take regular full doses and still be functional. Hubby had a briefcase full of different things.
Yes, my mom was like Tep's dad. She'd been on them a loooong time and had quite the tolerance.
That's a bummer. Do you have some sort of agreement to get the price discounted at least, Theo?
I'm sure that's the best possible way to spend a shooting, ignorant of it. Glad you're all okay.
Agreed. On both points.
Ugh -- my car is not getting repaired until at least Monday. (Very good mechanic, one of his guys is out due to illness, I am slotted in on a FIFO basis.) So it looks like I'll take a short-term rental in order to at least have some money coming in over the weekend. Le Sigh.
Oh man, that sucks! I'm sorry.