Bah, Dana. I'm sorry.
I decided that two days of migraine over the long weekend justified a partial sick day/working from home today. I'll probably get approximately the same amount t of whatever done, but I won't have to rush through the whole getting ready to be out and about process or subject myself to all that fluorescent lighting
You guuuuuys, I have a COLD. This is so unfair.
I hope you get over it VERY quickly and also that I didn't catch it.
Everyone should definitely feel better ASAP.
I hope you get over it VERY quickly and also that I didn't catch it.
I tried to be careful as soon as I started having symptoms. Fortunately (I guess) husband left this morning on a business trip. So he's not around to cater to poor sick me, but he won't catch it.
Sending health~ma.
Super quiet day here. I'm actually getting stuff done while avoiding news.
I just realized I got a sunburn this weekend (on Sunday, probably) on one upper arm. Which I noticed when I touched my arm (though my sleeve) and it was super hot! How did I not notice this before?
In other news, I have a new office neighbor on my hall, who has had a stream of visitors all day, partly because she just moved offices and partly because her boyfriend is heavily involved in one of the most interesting primary races happening today. It's a lot of chatting.
The two giant men who are playing tennis look sweaty and miserable.
Unrelatedly, I've reached the stage of wanting to take a jackhammer to my face. I guess I'm glad that my symptoms yesterday were relatively minimal. It's a lot easier to lie on a couch and whine than it is to travel.
Timelies all!
Back to work today.
Sorry you have con crud, Dana.
You guuuuuys, I have a COLD. This is so unfair.
I hope you get over it VERY quickly and also that I didn't catch it.
... I caught it. HOW did I CATCH IT BLERGH.
Wait, maybe YOU gave it to ME.
(Also, on Monday Naomi said her allergies were terrible. I hope she didn't catch it too.)