Have to go by the lisence plate office. I packed up H's back mail and he discovered an oops, your tag has expired notice and mailed it back to me, so I have to go in and bob and grin and be pleasant and appealing, and also groceries. DNW. There are people out there. Also, it's Out There. Want to stay in my blanket fort, but alas. I'm out of tea. Also, cheese.
Sigh. Cheese--and legality--trumps blanket fort. Where're my shoes?
ETA: Oh, thanks, msbelle for reminding me I have to pick up meds, too. I've been out two days--thyroid, the rest are still present.
I hope your day gets better.
Hee! Thanks, Tom! I shall chant it as I assemble the necessaries to get me Out There!
Happy Birthday, meara!
Tea and cheese are way higher on the list than legality. Go Bev!
I have a whimpering dog at my feet because my computer chair isn't big enough for the two of us. And there is thunder happening.
Thanks guys!! I'm having friends over this evening and then heading out for a dance convention tomorrow, so very excited, but also "aaaah have to do all the things" (including, um, work?) before then!
Happy birthday meara? (I feel this should be longer, but that's all I got)
I'm trying to remember how young I was when I realized that if you do something wrong and no one knows who did it, you won't get in trouble if you keep your mouth shut. Oh, and if you're not standing over the evidence and pointing at the dog. As I recall, it was a very dismaying moment. Grown-ups weren't omniscient. It's still a bit disconcerting, realizing how many times I can make a goof at work that simply doesn't get noticed. I bounce between "Bwa-ha-ha, now for my life of crime!" and "Is no one paying attention to what's going on around here?" The sheer obliviousness of humanity boggles me.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday meara!
Mr. S would.not.go.to.sleep last night. We put him to bed, and he kept getting out of bed and out of his room. Finally Gary put him in the car seat and drove around for a while until Mr. S fell asleep. Of course he's being cranky boy complete with meltdowns. Let's hope tonight goes better.